Adventures On Kul Tiras

The continuing adventures of my family of girls on Kul Tiras.

    Race: Night Elf
    Class: Warrior
    Level: 80
    Dual Spec.: Arms/Protection
    Realm: Kul Tiras
    Battlegroup: Vengeance
    Guild: Club de Jolie Filles
      Profession #1: Grand Master Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Master Swordsmith 450/450
      Profession #2: Mining 450/450
      Race: Night Elf
      Class: Hunter
      Level: 80
      Spec.: Beast Mastery
      Realm: Kul Tiras
      Battlegroup: Vengeance
      Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 275/375
        Profession #2: Skinning 450/450
        Race: Human
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 46
        Spec.: Combat
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Alchemy 290/300
        Profession #2: Herbalism 291/300
        Lockpicking: 215/225
        Race: Human
        Class: Mage
        Level: 50
        Spec.: Frost
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Enchanting 352/375
        Profession #2: Tailoring 350/375
        Race: Human
        Class: Death Knight
        Level: 60
        Spec.: Blood
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 316/375
        Profession #2: Engineering 100/150
        Race: Night Elf
        Class: Druid
        Level: 25
        Spec.: Feral
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 67/75
        Profession #2: Skinning 133/150
        Race: Human
        Class: Warrior
        Level: 47
        Spec.: Arms
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Blacksmith 300/300
        Profession #2: Mining 289/300
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 26
        Spec.: Subtlety
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Herbalism 111/150
        Profession #2: Alchemy 93/150
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Priest
        Level: 80
        Spec.: Shadow
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 450/450
        Profession #2: Enchanting 340/375
      Shooting For Too Much
      Monday, March 2, 2009
      Elenai's Guild scheduled another Raid on Zul'Gurub. It is scheduled for this coming week. Because of that I got it into my head that I would get Elenai to level 55 so I could go on the Raid. It would be her first raid with her Guild. But as Murphy's Law would have it, many things that could happen to slow down progress toward that goal happened.

      Not bad things. :)

      I spent Friday evening out with friends. It was one of those times where we were at work and the idea just popped up that we needed to go out and have a few drinks. So I left work and had a blast with some friends and never got home until 9:00ish. Naturally once I got home I got settled in and tried to log on, thinking maybe I could do at least one level that night. But alas there was some issue with the verification servers and I couldn't log on for quite a while. *sigh

      Saturday turned out to be a bust for WoW too. I played very little that day. (But we had a good time running around, thank you very much. :P) Sunday I did get a decent amount of time with Elenai but by then I already knew I couldn't level fast enough for the Raid. It would have taken a perfect weekend scenario for me to make it.

      Truthfully, getting to 55 was a huge long-shot anyway. 12 levels in a week is hard, especially when the levels are getting toward the 50's. I'm not bummed or anything. I just had a goal and it couldn't be done. It's Ok though. I'll make it to the next Raid. :)

      The one continuing frustration about the server Elenai is on is still the issue of the Auction House prices. Elenai is leveling fast but not getting many good armor drops. Weapon drops are even worse. So when I look on the AH I get annoyed at what the people charge for decent greens. Blues and Epics I can see charging a lot for but to ask for 38-40 gold for a piece of level 40 leather chest armor is kind of silly. Elenai needs the armor that is "Of the Monkey" or even "Of the Tiger" is nice but those are so overpriced I just don't bother. Even the leathers for Druids is so expensive it makes me wonder what people are thinking. It also makes me wonder if people actually sell anything. If so, how the heck do people make enough gold to be able to upgrade?

      Obviously if people make that kind of gold during regular play I still have a lot to learn. lol

      One good drop Elenai did get was a sword from Zul'Farrak. It is called "Jang'thraze The Protector". It is one half of the epic duo that drops in the instance. If you get both halves you can combine them to make an epic two-handed sword. The half Elenai has is ugly but very effective. It also sometimes throws a shield around Elenai when fighting just like a Priests shield. That's a nice perk.

      Funny how I have never seen either half of the epic sword drop in ZF before. All the runs that Pallanen and Sairalinde have done there and this is the first I've ever seen anyone get either part. Come to think of it, Ki'Leana has done ZF twice too. Hmmm....

      Anyway, I have been leaning toward a Combat spec with Elenai lately. It is effective but not as much fun as Subtlety. I will stick with it for a while since she is better able to take on many mobs at once and survive. Someday I will switch back again.

      It's fun being a Rogue. There have been many quests Elenai has completed quickly that my other girls took much longer to do. Elenai stealths into places, assassinates the target and Vanishes away when bad guys come after her. I did that with the Courier in Arathi, the big Ogre boss in the Arathi cave also and the Ogre boss that wanders around the Badlands with 5-6 buddies. I stealthed into Uldaman twice for stuff, into the caves in STV and the Badlands and I killed all the Pirate Captains and such off the coast of Stranglethorn without ever fighting anyone else but them. It's so cool.

      Completing quests without fighting 10 or more bad guys just to get to the object of the quest? How could someone not love a Rogue? lol
      posted by Jen @ 7:45 AM  
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      Name: Jen
      Home: Pennsylvania, United States
      About Me: I started playing WoW after my best friend bugged me to play. I soon learned that I really liked it. Now 2 years later I still play and have 20 characters. LOL I am no gaming expert. I am no WoW expert. A lot of the terms and "how to do's" elude me still. But I love to play. All you will find here are the adventures of Pallanen and her sisters. I love them all and they really kick butt. So stay tuned and maybe we can learn stuff from each other that we never knew. xoxo
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