Adventures On Kul Tiras

The continuing adventures of my family of girls on Kul Tiras.

    Race: Night Elf
    Class: Warrior
    Level: 80
    Dual Spec.: Arms/Protection
    Realm: Kul Tiras
    Battlegroup: Vengeance
    Guild: Club de Jolie Filles
      Profession #1: Grand Master Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Master Swordsmith 450/450
      Profession #2: Mining 450/450
      Race: Night Elf
      Class: Hunter
      Level: 80
      Spec.: Beast Mastery
      Realm: Kul Tiras
      Battlegroup: Vengeance
      Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 275/375
        Profession #2: Skinning 450/450
        Race: Human
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 46
        Spec.: Combat
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Alchemy 290/300
        Profession #2: Herbalism 291/300
        Lockpicking: 215/225
        Race: Human
        Class: Mage
        Level: 50
        Spec.: Frost
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Enchanting 352/375
        Profession #2: Tailoring 350/375
        Race: Human
        Class: Death Knight
        Level: 60
        Spec.: Blood
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 316/375
        Profession #2: Engineering 100/150
        Race: Night Elf
        Class: Druid
        Level: 25
        Spec.: Feral
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 67/75
        Profession #2: Skinning 133/150
        Race: Human
        Class: Warrior
        Level: 47
        Spec.: Arms
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Blacksmith 300/300
        Profession #2: Mining 289/300
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 26
        Spec.: Subtlety
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Herbalism 111/150
        Profession #2: Alchemy 93/150
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Priest
        Level: 80
        Spec.: Shadow
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 450/450
        Profession #2: Enchanting 340/375
      Granuaile The Twink
      Wednesday, January 23, 2008
      Granuaile has become my favorite alt. I didn't know it would be so much fun to have another Warrior. I made all the other girls mostly to learn from them how to better equip Pallanen for fighting similar ads and doing PVP. I hesitated having another Warrior because I thought it would be dull. I was wrong.

      I have found that playing Granuaile is the best! It is obvious now why but for some reason the thought never occurred to me. Grainne not only can avoid the mistakes I made with Pallanen but she also has big sisters who really take good care of her. Where Pallanen learned everything the hard way (experience that helped all the girls), Granuaile is able to brutalize her way through every circumstance with relative ease. These days whenever her xp bar is blue, I am playing her. Sometimes even when it's purple. :P

      It stands to reason that we learn from mistakes. So with every quest I have a better plan. With every new level I check for better armor and weapons. With the hard quests, Pallanen's friends help out. Granuaile levels fast even when the quest should be impossible for her. The Fire Hardened armor quests for example. A good part of those were very hard or group quests. A lot of that chain should have required some help. Only in Razorfen did she need help. The Whirlwind Sword Warrior quest chain (I forget the proper title) is another good example. Granuaile got the Whirlwind Sword at level 30. Pallanen didn't manage it until level 41.

      Then Pally's friend gave the sword a nice Icy Chill enchant. (I wanted that enchant to help slow down ads attacking her. I was afraid the slow speed would cause her too much damage. I was wrong.) Here is a pic of Granuaile with the sword.

      This is actually a very current pic of Granuaile. The tabard is (obviously) from her new Guild, Ladies of Legend. I really wanted her in that Guild because she is awesome, soon to be legend. lol

      Here is another pic I just threw in because I think it's cool. It is an action shot from Stonetalon Mountain. Granuaile was fighting one of those flying lion things (Wyvern??)

      Granuaile is on her way to being a Fury spec warrior. I was not sure about that direction until I started taking chances with her and the new two-handed sword. Pally never used a two-hander. I didn't like them. But once I got comfortable with Granuaile using it I kept going. Soon I realized that using that weapon in combination with the Berserker Stance was a deadly combo. I found that out the hard way in Duskwood when she was level 31. I was killing werewolves outside the mine, Roland's Doom, when I made a bad pull and found myself fighting 4 ads. All were level 30 or 31. But Granuaile killed them all with half her health still intact. I was stunned. When Pallanen was in that area she struggled with just 2 ads at a time. But Granuaile is far better equipped.

      So this started me thinking about some of the other things Pally had trouble with. Especially one in particular. There is one monster that Pally still kills every time she is in the Raven Hill area. Mor'Ladim. That monster killed Pallanen many times when she was questing there. While she was working on a quest, he would just pop up out of no where it seemed and send her to the graveyard. For many levels, every time Pallanen would level, I would go back and see if she could kill him solo. It took a long time. To this day she still kills his ass for revenge.

      But Granuaile on the other hand..... well, I had the quest so I ran over there and tracked him down. He was still big and ugly. Still a 31 Elite with lots of armor. But I went after him and wiped him up on the first try. No problem at all. :)

      So I get the term "Twink" now. For a long time that word bugged me. I still don't care for it but I get it now. Granuaile is a pamperd Warrior with all the advantages. Experience, Gold, Weapons and Armor. Everything she needs. (Her First Aid is already into the Netherweave levels! lol) Pallanen earned everything the hard way and it was a totally different game for her. Much harder. But these days playing a Warrior like Granuaile makes for a wide open game plan. I think I should be able to get her to 70 before very long. I also plan on getting her into the PVP Gear that Pally never had. She will do all the instances and be the best alt I have.

      Gushing enough? Maybe, but this is fun. And isn't that why we play games in the first place? Uh huh. :P
      posted by Jen @ 7:25 AM  
      • At January 23, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Blogger Bob Mayhoffer said…

        What have you specced your two warriors as? I like to keep the spec different to make it feel like a different character.

      • At January 24, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Blogger Jen said…

        Wow-aholic, Pallanen is a Protection Warrior. Until level 70 she was DPS but I changed for doing high level instances. I really liked the DPS better though.

        Granuaile is Fury. I did add some points to Protedtion to get the Armor bonus but all her other points will be Fury.

        I want to experiencs the different feel with each spec too.

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      Name: Jen
      Home: Pennsylvania, United States
      About Me: I started playing WoW after my best friend bugged me to play. I soon learned that I really liked it. Now 2 years later I still play and have 20 characters. LOL I am no gaming expert. I am no WoW expert. A lot of the terms and "how to do's" elude me still. But I love to play. All you will find here are the adventures of Pallanen and her sisters. I love them all and they really kick butt. So stay tuned and maybe we can learn stuff from each other that we never knew. xoxo
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