Alliance |
Pallanen |
Dual Spec.: Arms/Protection Guild: Club de Jolie Filles Profession #1: Grand Master Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Master Swordsmith 450/450 Profession #2: Mining 450/450
Sairalinde |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Leatherworking 275/375 Profession #2: Skinning 450/450
Jaelle |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Alchemy 290/300 Profession #2: Herbalism 291/300
Merenwen |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Enchanting 352/375 Profession #2: Tailoring 350/375
Miriel |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Mining 316/375 Profession #2: Engineering 100/150
Earanel |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Leatherworking 67/75 Profession #2: Skinning 133/150
Granuaile |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Blacksmith 300/300 Profession #2: Mining 289/300
Horde |
Rubacuori |
Guild: Club de Joiles Filles Profession #1: Herbalism 111/150 Profession #2: Alchemy 93/150
Ki'Leanna |
Guild: Club de Joiles Filles Profession #1: Mining 450/450 Profession #2: Enchanting 340/375
The New Trend |
Monday, April 28, 2008 |
The new trend in WoW seems to be Alliance helping Hordes kill Alliance. What I mean by that is that 3 times in a row now I have answered the Local Defense call for a Horde raid in an Alliance city only to find Alliance people helping the bad guys. Not just helping them but finding them victims also.
The first time was in Ironforge. I saw the alarm and already being there with Pallanen I ran around until I found the Horde. It was just one 70 Tauren Druid killing things. I saw that a Priest, a Hunter and several other lower levels were there already flagged so I jumped in to help. Well, what I jumped into was something very weird.
I fought the Druid until he was about ½ health and then he healed himself. That’s when I noticed I was alone. Only in that the Alliance were just watching. Even the Priest who could have healed Pallanen just stood there. I kept asking why they weren’t helping but no one responded. They just stood there. The fight lasted a very long time. Pallanen kicked the Druids butt but since he could heal himself and Pally only had a potion with a long cooldown, well, the outcome was just a long, protracted death for Pally.
When I rezzed I saw the Priest and Hunter running with the Horde escorting him around Ironforge. I followed and watched as they kept standing there and letting the Druid kill trainers and vendors or any Alliance who came to help. Then they would call the Alliance people “noobs”. It was sickening. Eventually several Alliance came by and we killed the Horde. But not long after we did those traitors were escorting that Druid around again.
But it wasn’t the last time I would see it.
Next time was in Ironforge again. This time the same scenario happened but with an Undead Rogue. A couple of flagged Alliance were there so naturally I assumed……… but it turned out to be the same thing. They watched as the Rogue and Pallanen fought. It was a very close fight. The Rogue had no visible life left when Pally was killed. But then he sat there and healed himself as the Alliance group watched. I watched again as the Alliance walked him around Ironforge.
Sidebar: Whatever special talents an Undead inherits along with being a Rogue is a very deadly combo. Undead Rogues are the hardest to kill in the game. Its fun to fight them but hard to win.
Last night it happened again. Call me stupid or something but when the alarm came in Darnassus I logged off Earane and brought Pallanen to help. This time there were 2 Undead Rogues but there was a group of Alliance fighters. I ran in and started helping with the Hordes since I saw there was help this time. But it turned out that there really wasn’t any help. Just me and a 67 Alliance Rogue actually tried to kill the Hordes. We did well, killing one. But the other got him and then paralyzed me for what seemed forever. I had used my trinket already so all I could do was stand there bent over as he continued to pummel Pallanen. I hate that!
I ghosted back to the scene only to find that Rogue and his friend sitting there healing up while the other 3 Alliance watched. ??? So I asked the Warrior who had initially started yelling out about Hordes in Darnassus why he was helping them. He said he wasn’t. But then he started trying to get others to fight them and laughing when the Rogues would win. I waited until Pallanen’s PVP flag was gone to rez her and then watched as the 3 Alliance kept up the charade like they were fighting the hordes. The truth was they were helping them create havoc. The Hordes would go around and kill every vendor or trainer they could. The made a mess of things for a long time. Just like the ones I encountered in Ironforge.
Maybe I’m a weirdo or something but this kind of thing is sickening to me. I understand that everyone has friends in the game and that they probably have cross-faction friends too. But to allow the opposite group into your home cities and then help them run around destroying the place is just so wrong to me. To sucker people from your group into getting killed while you watch is even more sick and disgusting. Especially the lower than 70 characters. Those people are the ones I wish I could wipe up. More so I wish they could be banned since that is such a rotten practice.
To those Alliance who helped the Hordes (and probably will do so again), you disgust me. You should not be allowed into Alliance territory again. Go live with your ugly-ass Horde friends and leave the real players alone. Defending home territory is a big part of the game. Helping the opposite faction is shitty and sad.
Jerks. |
posted by Jen @ 9:55 AM |
Getting Over The Phobia |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 |
I have been neglecting my Casters for a long time. Merenwen (the Mage) and Earane (the Warlock) have been idle for months simply because I was really bad at playing them. My Main being a Warrior and my main alts being a Hunter and Rogue and another Warrior, well I just had no clue as to how to play a class that used spells to fight. Poor Merenwen must have set a record for trips to the graveyard by the time I got her into her 30's. lol
This past week I decided to bite the bullet and learn my little girls better. I spent a lot of time with Earane in Ashenvale. She leveled several times and, amazing to me, never died once. I started to get the feel for her skills and how to use them. (I still have no clue as to how to use the soulstone thingy but that will come eventually.) I plan on taking her through the Deadmines soon and also doing the Stonetalon quests. I'm still not sure what spec to use for Earane. I have been doing Demonology but I think Destruction looks like fun. Anyone stopping by this blog who has advice, I'd appreciate it.
I also have been playing my Druid Earanel a lot. She is a lot of fun to play. Using her different forms to fight and being able to heal herself is very cool. Plus she has several caster talents that can do a lot of damage. I really like the shadow damage thing. It seems to me like shadow damage is the hardest on enemies.
I like to push the limits with Earanel sometimes. Using the Bear form to take life from an ad several levels above her and then backing off and healing and returning to the fight. It works well. I learned that from all the PVP Pallanen has been doing. Druids do that to her a lot. They can't beat her one on one but when they use those tactics she rarely wins a fight. So now I'll do it to others. :) Earanel has also leveled several times recently.
So all this XP I've been having with my little girls made me wonder how I could do with Merenwen. I started playing her Monday evening. She was just turned 38. I went right away to do the Alterac Ruins quests to see how well I could do there. She had to kill the Warmongers in the higher level side of the ruins. They were 39-40. I went in and started using her Frost Bolt to slow them, then used her Arcane Missles(which are the coolest looking things to use) while the ads were slowly coming toward her. When they got close I would freeze them in place and back off. Then use the ultimate weapon, her Fireball followed by a Fireblast. That usually wiped out the big fat Ogres quickly.
I was having so much success pulling one ad at a time that I decided to go after the Elite caster guy who you get the Perinold Tiara (sp???) from. I cleared the Ogres near that area and when he came out I let him have it. He was a 38 elite (Merenwen being still 38) and I was a little concerned. But she handled him well. Merenwen did have to use one healing potion during the fight but she never really was in trouble. It was a lot of fun.
So I started running around Arathi and Southshore clearing out the quests Merenwen had in that area. She even went into the Ogre cave in Arathi to get Trelane's Wand (or whatever the right name is) and never had a problem. he turned 39 that evening.
Last night I decided that Merenwen should be 40. It was so long overdue. So I took her to Stranglethorn and started clearing out all those quests. None were as hard as the Arathi ones so it was a cakewalk. Except for the one where she had to go into the Troll ruins and get copies of the big tablets. (I think it was called Kurzen's Curse???) That was hard but she did well. Before the evening was over Merenwen was 40.
Now she has a mount and I trained her in Portals where I could. She can port anyone to Stormwind, Ironforge and Exodar. When she is 50 she can do ports to Darnassus.
So I guess I'm over the phobia of playing casters. I only understood melee fighters and still, those are what I understand best. I still like to have Earanel use her staff and fight sometimes. :P But now I feel much better using spells. I have to mark all this up to all the PVP that Pallanen has been doing. Watching how the other classes have fought with her and seeing what they do that works and doesn't work has really helped me a lot. It's all in the experiences you gain I guess because now I feel just fine with all my girls. Playing PVP has even more advantages than just the nice rewards. I highly recommend it to anyone now. If for nothing else just to get experience with the different classes you play and that play against you. It helps a lot in the long run. Trust me.
Who knew? :) |
posted by Jen @ 6:57 AM |
Fun Weekend |
Monday, April 21, 2008 |
My WoW weekend was pretty good. I managed to have a lot of free time yesterday because it has been raining steadily since Saturday night. Nothing else to do (that I wanted to do, that is... lol).
I started out on Saturday with Pallanen. We did one of every Battleground just to get marks. I was surprised when the Alliance won 3 out of 4 BGs that Pally was in. The only one she lost was Arathi Basin. Figures. Then I logged onto Rubacuori and Lisa and I ran through Shadowfang Keep. I had never been there before and it was quite an experience. We were just a 24 Paladin and a 22 Rogue but we did well. Neither of us knew where we were going but we managed. We didn't finish the whole place but we will go back again to finish.
Sunday morning I took Pallanen through Shadowfang Keep just to be sure of where the little girls had to go. Also to see what other ads were waiting ahead. There are some hairy spots upcoming for the little ones. I think we may need another friend along. Of course it only took Pally about 10 minutes to completely wipe the place. :P
Then I had Pallanen go to the Badlands and mine stuff for Earane. I kept getting interrupted during that time but did manage to get some nice loads of Mithril, Iron and Truesilver. Lots of Silk and Mageweave from the Ogres there also (that I send to Merenwen).
Later in the day I got back on and Lisa asked me to help her in Blackrock. Oy! I'm not a fan of that place. I went with her and her guy (he has a level 66 Druid). She had 6 quests there. Neither of them has any keys they need for the place so Pallanen had to use her Arcanite Skeleton Keys. This was the second trip to Blackrock that she was asked to go on and had to use them. Pally had 20 of them at one time. Now she has 5. lol
That trip took almost 2.5 hours! When I finally got away from there I was able to play Earanel. I wanted her to get all the quests done so she could go into the Deadmines. I managed to do them all that afternoon and even managed to do the escort quest where the traitor leads you to the Defias hideout. I can't say that Earanel did that one completely on her own. She got all the way to the fountain in Moonbrook and there were several people there killing bad guys already so the end was a cakewalk.
Then Lisa came on and she escorted Earanel through the Deadmines with her 70 Hunter. It was good to get the quest done. The bad thing was everything that dropped (almost) was for a cloth wearer. I had hoped to get the set of Defias armor for Earanel but even Van Cleef dropped some useless cloth thing. That was a bummer. But at least the quest got done. Just watch and see what happens when Earane goes thru Deadmines. I'll bet nothing but Leather stuff drops. lol
So Earanel is now 22. She still uses her staff as her main weapon. I will research what is best for a Druid since I have no clue as to what is best. I like the staff. It looks cool when she uses it. Not that a Druid has to do much hand-to-hand fighting but sometimes it is fun to watch. I still need to master her different forms and how to use them. The cat is fun. Kind of like being a hairy Rogue. The Bear isn't too much fun but it does take a lot of damage easily.
So the weekend was nice. It's unusual to get much playing time on weekends anymore. Bad weather makes for a good opportunity to play. Not that I hope for bad weather a lot but sometimes, y'know..... LOL :) |
posted by Jen @ 7:05 AM |
Karazhan Revisited |
Thursday, April 17, 2008 |
Pallanen made it into Kara for the second time on Monday. I was asked to go as soon as I logged on. The Guild needed an Off Tank again. I agreed and this time I had time to respec Pally as a Protection Warrior before going.
We went in and headed straight to the Ballroom area this time. I eventually would find out that the target was Moroes (sp???) that night. I immediately knew right away this night would be different from before. We were standing on the steps up to the Ballroom when suddenly about a thousand ghosties ran down on us. :P We were fighting away for a long time before we finally got those all taken care of. Half the group was wiped. Someone had accidentally aggroed a bunch of bad guys. Omen of things to come? Yep.
We regrouped and the main tank (the same Druid tank as Pally's first trip) started pulling the ads we wanted out of the way one at a time. The process was pretty well done and we quickly got into the room where Moroes was. We pulled one small group at a time inside that room until only the Boss and his cronies were left. Then we got our assignments from the Raid Leader and got ready. Pallanen had the pretty girl on the left (the right of Moroes). She was to Tank her and hold indefinitely.
The fight started well enough. Pally established aggro on the girl and held on. She did run around a lot but I always could get her attention back fairly easily. I guess the others killed one or 2 of their assigned bad guys because suddenly there were a few people helping with my girl. We got her down to very little life and then she kept healing herself. For what seemed like forever we beat on her but then suddenly I noticed that Pallanen was being attacked from behind. Then the heals stopped. Not long after that Pally was wiped. The group was wiped too. Bummer.
The group had wiped for some reason. It's funny how in the middle of a fight you get so focused that you only know your target. That wasn't the first time a wipe happened and I didn't know until too late. This particular evening, it wasn't the last either.
We regrouped and tried again. The second time went almost the same way. Except this time we killed the caster girl Pallanen was assigned to. When I turned to go for the next target I saw a Guild friend yelling "Run Pally!" I turned to see that Pallanen, a Priest and a Rogue were the only ones left in the room with 3 bad guys. We didn't last long.
So we rezzed and regrouped again. This time we changed up and Pallanen and a Rogue were assigned to the guy farthest right (left side of Moroes). The fight started and things went very well. That guy used a big hammer/mallet thing that hardly phased Pallanen much at all. Between Pally and the Rogue we killed his ass pretty fast. So I went to my secondary target. The Leader had told me he would be kiting him in the back of the room. So I went back and grabbed his attention. Then we proceeded to kill that guy too.
I turned to go for the 3rd target and when I did Moroes attacked me. So I defended. The Main Tank then took his aggro and I went and helped kill the original target Pally had. That one died and then everything went silent. I looked around and saw no one else in the room. Then I saw the same call from my Guild friend, "Run Pally!" It had come a short time before I killed that last guy. But nothing else was after me so I got to the back of the room and ate some grapes to heal up. Pallanen was truely the "Last Standing" at the end of that fight. At least the last left in the room. lol
So while we were once again regrouping I asked the Raid Leader if this was always so hard. He said it usually wasn't but that this was not the usual group either. The next several fights went about the same way. We did manage to kill everything in the room but Moroes twice but we never managed to kill him. Soon people were ready to stop trying. Then after a while, in between trys suddenly the whole room respawned and we were all surrounded by the ads we had killed first thing. We obviously wiped then.
Thats when the Raid should have stopped. Several people left but we decided to try and kill Attumen as a consolation so the night wasn't a total loss. We started that out easy enough. Killed the first couple elites. Then when we were staged and ready to take out the first grouping, suddenly we were surrounded by elites and 70's fighting with us. They came from out of nowhere. Everyone was confused and you could see people calling "wtf?" Where they came from no one ever knew. There were none behind us. It was a wall. But come they did. What made it worse was that the Tank didn't see it until too late. He had already pulled the first ad (and that group with him) so now we had the mystery group on us along with the targeted group. It wasn't pretty.
I could not get aggro on anything for a while. Then I saw that our people were dropping fast so I ran into the middle of the fight and used Pally's Challenging Shout. Now all the bad guys were on Pallanen. Her health started dropping very fast. But the Healers were now free so the heals came fast and furious. I ended up using Pally's Second Wind and a healing potion too before things started to even out. The others started to get the bad guys off Pally and eventually we actually managed to kill them all. When we looked around afterward, over half the group was dead. Pallanen had just a sliver of health left. It was a very close fight.
Thats when we called it quits. It obviously wasn't our night in Kara.
My impressions so far of Raiding Karazhan are these:
A Druid Tank is an awesome thing. They take a ton of damage and can hold aggro very well.
Respeccing Pallanen didn't seem to make any difference. Pally did well before and after speccing as Protection. I'm not sure I will do it again.
The loot is great in Kara but not a lot of it is worth much to a Warrior. Two things have dropped so far that Pallanen could use. One went to the main Tank (rightfully) and one went to the Tank in the other Raid group.
It is expensive to run Kara. This particular evening cost Pally 40ish gold all together between respeccing and the high cost of repairing the epic plate armor.
One last thing.... even though things are much better than before Kara, I still don't care for groups. The Raid Groups are awesome and for the most part, it is fun. But being grouped isn't my thing. I find it worse Tanking for a group. When Pallanen is asked to DPS, it's much more fun. Tanking is a little harder. I can see me helping out with raids and all that but I will never be a regular raider (unless Pally can DPS a lot (which would be a rare thing for a Warrior). Basically it is fun but other things in the game are way more fun for me. :) |
posted by Jen @ 7:27 AM |
Pallanen’s First Kara Raid |
Monday, April 14, 2008 |
Pallanen went into Karazhan last Thursday night for the first time. It wasn’t a planned trip into Kara but Pally went anyway when the Guild called and asked for help. It made me a little nervous to accept since Pally isn’t a true Tank anymore but I did it anyway.
It turned out OK. :)
Getting started was rough. The only reason was because when the Guild asked me to join them I was in Alterac Valley. So when they summoned me I materialized right in the middle of a Horde raid group who were preparing to go into Kara. I was still flagged PVP. Needless to say poor Pallanen didn’t fare well. LOL
But once I was rezzed and we entered the instance things went much better. I popped on Pally’s Tanking gear and switched over to Defensive stance. I was to be Off Tank. The Main Tank was a Druid in bear form. I had never seen a Druid Tank before so I was looking forward to it. Pallanen is still specced for PVP and the Guildies wanted me to go ahead and respec before the raid. But eventually it was decided that it would be a waste of time and we all wanted to get going. I had some fear of not being specced right and losing control of my targets at first. It turned out OK.
The group didn’t waste too much time getting started. We headed into an area where all these ghost horses were. They were all elites. It was called The Livery Stable. I was to grab the agro of any monster marked with the red X and hold it. Period. That was Pallanen’s job. So that’s what she did. My worries of not holding their attention turned out to be no big deal. The first few elites Pallanen grabbed onto and held them just fine without any struggle. The group easily wiped up every ad we encountered, even when there were 4-5 elites at a time.
Then we came around this corner where this horse was standing all alone. Its name was in yellow. I wondered about that. The raid leader told me that I was to attack him and hold him in place indefinitely. So I went in and did just that. To my surprise so did the main tank. That darn horse was tough. We beat on him for a long time. He even broke away from us and ran toward the clothies twice. I could tell he was a little different than the others we had downed. Then when we had him whittled down and I thought he was going to drop, he disappeared (or something) and reappeared with a rider. Turns out it was a Boss we were looking to kill. Attumen was his name.
Killing him was sort of anti-climactic. He ran around a bit but we were never in any trouble. We handled him well and wiped him in a few minutes. I thought the horse alone was tougher than horse and rider together. At least that’s how it felt to me. lol
So we regrouped a bit and headed back the way we had started. We went up some stairs and into this big Ballroom area where a bunch of ghosts were having a party. They looked like they were having fun. I sorta felt bad that we were there to wreck their evening for them. :P We started pulling ghosts and killing them as we went. The routine ended up that we would pull 1-2 elites at a time and kill them. Inevitably when we would pull an elite several level 70 mobs would tag along too but they were easy to handle. We worked our way around that room and up more stairs to a place with some grouped elite mobs. Then the raid group got more serious. We tagged and pulled each scary thing in order and cleared the way down the hallway. It was a funny place. I guess the ads there were like a version of real life escorts. They all had some kind of come-on to say to us, especially when they would die. Some of those girls in the hallway would flirt with Pally and it made me laugh. lol
Once we were around the bend I saw what our target had to be. There was some giant glowing woman at the end of the hallway that looked like a bit of a bad-ass. Her name turned out to be Maiden of Virtue. It was kind of amusing to me that a bunch of escorts were guarding the hallway to someone with that name.
Now the raid leader was serious again. They had Pallanen switch back to DPS (which made her very happy) for this fight. Pally was ready in her epics and holding her killer purple swords. The fight was explained to us, the ready check was done and the Tank charged. Once he was established I rushed in and started chopping her up. This woman was tough. We kept at it for a long time (it felt like) and at times she would run around and try to stomp on the clothies around the circle. Almost every time the Tank managed to keep her contained. Pallanen was getting some awesome crits during this fight. She was constantly hitting for 1200-1500 and every now and then she would get a 5000-6000 shot in. I was sure we would down The Maiden on the first try. I was wrong.
Somewhere along the line the Tank got wiped. I think on one of Maiden’s rampages she must have killed the healer (or more than one) and the fight went downhill. I was so focused on hitting her hard that I didn’t notice until too late that a lot of the group was dead. Then she focused on me. 1 on 1 with her turned out to be bad odds for Pallanen. I was next to last to get it but get it we all did. It was a shame too because she was very nearly dead.
So we regrouped again and got ready. Somehow I knew we would be taking her down this time. The set up was the same, the start was the same. We were very focused. When she ran outside the circle and tried to get the clothies the Tank quickly got her attention again. She did this kind of lightening thing that hit hard and Pally suffered a bit from it but the healers were awesome so Pallanen was never in any real trouble. This time around we killed The Maiden of Virtue with no losses.
Unfortunately for me, I was out of time. The group decided to go ahead and try to kill one more boss (Moroes) but I couldn’t go. The loot from Karazhan was sweet! Pretty much all purple epics. The only thing I wished I could have gotten was a choker (I forget the name) that was purely for a Tank. But the main tank naturally got first shot at it. Since Pallanen was new to the raid group I didn’t even think twice about it. There are going to me many more chances at Kara for Pally so I’m sure eventually she will have it.
So my/Pallanen’s first experience in Kara was a good one. I was really impressed with the Druid Tank. I’m planning on raiding Kara with the Guild as regularly as possible. Over the weekend I saw that Group #1 (I believe) was in Kara again and the Tank (not the same one) got The King’s Defender. It is the most awesome tanking sword I’ve ever seen. That is my new goal for Pallanen. The choker and that sword and a new spec that allows for great Tanking and saves some points for good DPS when needed will make Pallanen an awesome Raider. Hopefully I’ll be back in a few days with even better news. :P |
posted by Jen @ 1:59 PM |
Lollygagging Around Azeroth |
Thursday, April 10, 2008 |
I have been lollygagging around Azeroth lately. Not real focused on any one plan like I had been. Frankly, I am tired of doing Battlegrounds. Especially since the patch. The only BG the Alliance had a good chance of winning was Alterac Valley. Not anymore. It is a toss-up anymore. It is also always a struggle. Sometimes I find that fun so I’m not complaining. Most times I get annoyed because it’s the players that screw it up.
The Horde use better tactics lately. They wait for Alliance to cap Iceblood Tower and Tower Point and then they come in behind and take them back. They have gotten wise to the Alliance not guarding anything. The latest groups in AV also take Frostwolf Graveyard before the Relief Hut a lot. There must be a lot of newer people playing these days. It is a slow process trying to teach the newer players the ins and outs of the game.
Pallanen only really needs the shield anymore so I will be done with all this soon. I am looking into joining one of the Guild’s Arena teams anyway. I’ll be glad to be done with the BG grind. But I do like the games. Sometimes it is fun still and I will go into one of the BGs just to fight Hordes I’m sure.
Lately Pallanen does the daily in the BGs and then does some quests. I need gold and also a break from BGs. I have also been helping friends quest a lot. I even went into Blackrock several times recently just to help. It’s been fun. :)
I have been working on leveling my Horde girls too. Rubacuori is actually only 34 points from getting to 20. I have been holding off turning in quests so she doesn’t level. I have been running her in Warsong Gulch with my friend Lisa. It’s interesting to get the Horde perspective for a change. The funny thing is there are the same issues on the Horde side. People just don’t work together.
Last night Lisa and I managed to take the Alliance flag and get it back to our flag room. (She is a Paladin, Rubacuori is a Rogue.) We defended several times with the help of a Hunter. But no one was trying to get our flag back. They were all fighting in the middle again. I called out several times for someone to go get our flag so we could cap. People kept answering that it was more fun to fight in the middle. ??? Then we had several Alliance come in and eventually took their flag back. Suddenly the same dorks were complaining that we lost the flag. We held that thing for about 10-15 minutes while they did nothing to help. Then they bitched when the inevitable happened. I just said “I told you so.” Lol
So it has become obvious to me that both sides have their challenges when it comes to the quality of players a person gets lumped in with. Kinda makes me wonder how either side ever manages to win. :P
Here’s something interesting; my Alliance girls and my Horde girls are all in the same Guild. OK, not really but I decided to try and make a Guild of the same name on the Horde side for Lisa and I and the game let me. So our Alliance girls and Horde girls are in Guilds with the same name. I can’t wait to get them together in some neutral place. People are going to be confused. I made the Horde Tabard the exact same design too. I did color it differently though. But still, I didn’t expect to be able to have Guilds of the same name on the server. Go figure.
I got on the Guild website and updated Pallanen’s raid availability info. I am going to start raiding Kara now. She is well equipped to go as either DPS or a Tank. Her Tanking Gear puts her Defense rating at 506 right now. That also allows for a lot of the epics to remain on her. I will respec eventually but for now I believe she will be a good second tank. She will obviously be a very good DPS Warrior. I can boost her Defense rating even higher if need be. That would be easy to do. The one thing I am not confident of is the weapon she has for Tanking. I still have the Crystalblade of the Dranei as her tank weapon. I’d prefer to find something better. There really aren’t any good ones available from BGs so I need to research what others use and try to get the best available.
So that’s the latest update. Soon Pally will be heading into even more interesting places. Hopefully she (and I) will do well by our Guildies. The good thing is that the Guild has nearly wiped kara clean twice now. They have good experience. nd thats what I want for all my girls. :) |
posted by Jen @ 7:57 AM |
Alliance Or Horde? |
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 |
During my time in the Battlegrounds I find myself wondering why people choose Horde characters. I had seen them other places (obviously) but in the BGs you get up close and personal with them. That’s when you realize just how ugly and gross they really are. There is nothing about them I see that can make me want to spend hours upon hours of game time looking at them. They are ugly & scary looking. They make the worst grunting and growling sounds. They don’t even sound good when they laugh. But still, there are a lot of them. So I have concluded there must be something I am missing about the Horde.
I have tried some Horde alts. I once had an Undead Warrior. That Warrior was no Pallanen or Granuaile. My girls are beautiful and graceful. That undead Warrior was ugly and gross and a whole lot less than graceful. It had flesh missing with bones showing through. It had nasty oily looking hair and even ate dead bodies for food. Its voice was the worst! It had a foul cackle for a laugh and when it talked it sounded like it had a 5-pack-a-day cigarette habit. It died a permanent death before it ever reached level 10. I couldn’t take it.
I was once told by someone that they thought the Undead eating their killed adversaries was very cool. It was one of the reasons they liked their character. I’ll bet that person enjoys Zombie movies. I love Zombie movies a lot but I didn’t care for my Warrior eating killed things. lol
I tried an Orc alt too. That one wasn’t as gross but it still was a monster. It died permanently at an even younger age. :)
Before the Burning Crusade came out there were no “attractive” Horde races. The BC add-on produced Blood Elves. Currently I have 3 Blood Elf alts. I won’t have 3 for very much longer but right now I have 3 very pretty ones. (See the left sidebar.) I like them better than the other Hordes I’ve tried but still they have issues. Their voices are odd. Even their laughs. But that’s easy to get used to. The worst part of the Horde is the NPCs. They are all so rude. Even though they are all on the same ‘team’, they still talk to my girls like they are dirt. It’s an odd thing for a game to be like that. But it must be the way the game designers wanted it.
So I am curious as to why someone would choose a Horde over an Alliance. Yes, I am going by totally superficial reactions with my choice(s) in alts but still, the way Hordes are treated by their own ‘people’ kind of confuses me. There must be something special about the races that I am missing. Or maybe people just enjoy the scary looking characters over the Alliance ones? That I get. I am a fan of scary movies so maybe people like to play like they are the monsters attacking things.
Now that I am on that thought path, I’m kinda liking the idea a lot better. :P
To be fair, now that I think about it, Dwarves and Gnomes are freaky to me too. Dwarves I’m not real hot on but Gnomes totally creep me out. I spent some time recently with a Warrior Gnome in Alterac Valley. He was totally decked out in Arena gear. He was just there for a trinket and his PVP gearing was complete. That Gnome kicked butt. He and I took on 2 Elites (not at the same time) and it wasn’t a challenge at all (thanks more to him). But when he mounted his battle cat I just couldn’t help but laugh really hard. He looked so tiny on that big cat. I wish he had mounted a horse. That would really have been funny.
At any rate, I guess it’s all in a person’s personal preference as to what character they prefer. Most things come down to personal preference anyway. But I think I should look up the different races and see what advantages they have over others. I know some Hordes are immune to things like fear spells. Maybe there is some advantage to having a Horde alt that negates the superficial. Or maybe it’s just fun playing a monster.
I can see that. But for me, I’ll stick with my pretty girls. :) |
posted by Jen @ 7:33 AM |
More BG Evaluations Post Patch |
Thursday, April 3, 2008 |
OK, after further review.......
Ha ha, that was fun to say. I really don't have too much more to say about the patch. The Battlegrounds were fixed from all the amazing lag. The login-logout thing has been fixed. The results of Alterac Valley have returned to the norm. Alliance is once again winning (and losing) about the same amount. The other BGs are the same too (Alliance mostly losing and that is a shame). The one difference that I see remaining is the battles in Alterac have become pretty intense. The tactics have changed on both sides and the struggle is much more pronounced. To me, it is more fun. To a lot of others, it’s a reason to insult everyone else because they think we should be winning every time in about 15 minutes. lol Personally, I prefer the competition.
Over the past week I have actually spent quite a bit of time with my Horde girls Rubacuori and Eville. Rubacuori is now 18 and Eville is now 13. I would have done more with them but both their XP bars turned purple and that really bugs me. I did a really fun quest with Rubacuori where she had to go into this crypt type place and open locked boxes to find some ring. The quest is basically for leveling her Lockpicking skills. I found the ring pretty quickly and then stayed for a very long time opening boxes and killing zombies. (That sounds funny. Killing things that are already dead.) I helped a lot of others who were in the place questing too. A Rogue is one of the most fun characters to play. If I saw someone in a fight I would get behind the bad guy and do a backstab. It does a lot of damage plus they never see it coming.
Eville is pretty fun to play too. She is my first attempt at playing a Priest. She does well in a fight. Plus she is a really pretty one. lol
I deleted my Horde Warlock Aerynel. I liked her look but I have gotten to the point where I really don’t like Warlocks at all. I just didn’t want to play that one again. I have an Alliance Warlock too (Earane) but she is still alive and well. Only because I need her Jewelcrafting skills for the other girls though. Otherwise, she would be gone too. Let’s just say that her future is in doubt. :P
After a few days working with Rubacuori and Eville I returned to my first love Pallanen. I started to miss the thrill of killing Hordes in the Battlegrounds. I spent a lot of time in several BGs over the weekend. The only one I avoided was Warsong Gulch. Alliance rarely wins that plus it is an annoying game anyway. I was saving Honor for the 2-handed epic sword but then I changed my mind and used it all for Pally’s last two jewelry items. All that is left for her now is to get the 2-handed sword, the shield and the trinket that adds health (if I decide to get them). Her health is now way over 12,000 and her resilience is above 300. She is a total badass Warrior. lol
I was off Monday so I had plenty of time to start adding up the honor points again. The daily was in Eye of the Storm, which is fun to play even though we rarely win. But it was early in the day so I went for it. We easily won the first EOTS so I immediately went in again. We then won that second try 2000 – 0! A total wipe of the Horde. Naturally that morning I spent a lot of time in EOTS gathering medals for the future. We won 9 in a row before the Hordes started playing well. None went for more than 10 minutes and a lot were much faster. Even then we still won a lot. I was shocked to find that the early hours of every day are great times for the Alliance in BGs. Others playing were as surprised as I was. The BG chat was all about how easy it was to win during the daytime, especially early.
So I started to wonder if Arathi Basin would be the same. So I gave that one a try. The Alliance was doing well in AB also. We won several there too. I like playing AB a lot too, just like EotS. We rarely win but they are more fun to play for me since Pallanen gets to actually fight singly sometimes. It’s great to see how well she matches up against other players and/or characters. I especially like to take on other Warriors just to see how she does. Most of the time Pally does not disappoint. :)
So by now the truth is evident…. I played all day on Monday. I am a WoW-aholic too I guess. But I have no problems admitting to that. Ha ha! I am having fun these days with the game. I hope things stay that way for a while. :) |
posted by Jen @ 1:00 PM |
About Me |
Name: Jen
Home: Pennsylvania, United States
About Me: I started playing WoW after my best friend bugged me to play. I soon learned that I really liked it. Now 2 years later I still play and have 20 characters. LOL I am no gaming expert. I am no WoW expert. A lot of the terms and "how to do's" elude me still. But I love to play. All you will find here are the adventures of Pallanen and her sisters. I love them all and they really kick butt. So stay tuned and maybe we can learn stuff from each other that we never knew. xoxo
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