Adventures On Kul Tiras

The continuing adventures of my family of girls on Kul Tiras.

    Race: Night Elf
    Class: Warrior
    Level: 80
    Dual Spec.: Arms/Protection
    Realm: Kul Tiras
    Battlegroup: Vengeance
    Guild: Club de Jolie Filles
      Profession #1: Grand Master Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Master Swordsmith 450/450
      Profession #2: Mining 450/450
      Race: Night Elf
      Class: Hunter
      Level: 80
      Spec.: Beast Mastery
      Realm: Kul Tiras
      Battlegroup: Vengeance
      Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 275/375
        Profession #2: Skinning 450/450
        Race: Human
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 46
        Spec.: Combat
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Alchemy 290/300
        Profession #2: Herbalism 291/300
        Lockpicking: 215/225
        Race: Human
        Class: Mage
        Level: 50
        Spec.: Frost
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Enchanting 352/375
        Profession #2: Tailoring 350/375
        Race: Human
        Class: Death Knight
        Level: 60
        Spec.: Blood
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 316/375
        Profession #2: Engineering 100/150
        Race: Night Elf
        Class: Druid
        Level: 25
        Spec.: Feral
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 67/75
        Profession #2: Skinning 133/150
        Race: Human
        Class: Warrior
        Level: 47
        Spec.: Arms
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Blacksmith 300/300
        Profession #2: Mining 289/300
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 26
        Spec.: Subtlety
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Herbalism 111/150
        Profession #2: Alchemy 93/150
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Priest
        Level: 80
        Spec.: Shadow
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 450/450
        Profession #2: Enchanting 340/375
      Patch 2.4 - First Reactions
      Wednesday, March 26, 2008
      So 2.4 came out last night. I have some first-go-round reactions to it. When I read certain things I was seriously annoyed. As with anything there are a lot of good changes but also some I wonder about.

      For example, Druids are really benefitting from the change in their healing ability. Their healing has been bumped up (the way I read it). Why would a Druid need to have even better healing at all? They were nearly impossible to kill before the patch. But they can now stack agility and it also stacks healing, even if they are healing themselves. If they have something that gives them +15 agility, it also gives them +15 healing. (That little tidbit of their rooting range shrinking from 30 yards to 20 yards isnt a big deal.) It's that healing thing that sucks. As it was, it took a group to kill a properly specced Druid in PVP. All they do is fight, change form and heal, then fight some more. No single character can take them alone. Its gonna be worse now.

      Paladins benefitted a lot too. Read the notes. I don't feel like writing about it all. You'll see. They are another class that it takes a group to kill. Now they will be worse also.

      Warriors? Well what they get from this is a diminished Hamstring ability (for PVP). Nice. A Warrior's best weapon against casters is to be able to keep them within their striking range. Now that isn't always going to be a possibility. It seems like Warriors are now headed to the bottom of the heap when it comes to surviving PVP.

      One other thing that bugged me was the change in Transmuting Arcanite. There isn't a cooldown anymore. So the market on the AH (and elsewhere) will end up flooded with Arcanite whereas it was once a bit rare. I can see thatvery soon the cost of Arcane Crystals will skyrocket since they are needed by Alchemists for Transmuting. I'm not sure why this change came about. It won't directly affect my girls since Pallanen is a high level miner and I know how to collect plenty of Thorium for Jaelle to Transmute. I never buy Arcane Crystals anyway. Usually I'll get them from mining. I have never sold any Arcanite either. I have a substantial stash of it in the bank. But this is still a head-scratcher.

      I originally had planned on leveling Rubacuori when I logged on but after I read all the info provided for the patch I decided to check out the world to see how the changes affect us. So I took Pallanen into Alterac Valley.

      During the initial ride south I never saw a Horde. None. They are starting from somewhere new. We were in Galv's place when we finally saw the call that the Horde were at Stonehearth. It was a difference of maybe 10 seconds from pre-patch. Not significant to my mind. But the remainder of AV was very different.

      I'm not sure if the Horde are now naturally playing different or if the new starting location is putting them into the Relief Hut zone when they rez from battle, but they were a constant presence last night. Not once did the Alliance take the RH that the Horde weren't showing up and trying to take it back in force. Normally this isn't the case. On the other hand, for whatever reason, the Horde was very slow getting to our Towers and flags. (I guess that would be natural since a lot were at Frostwolf. lol) I wonder if they are rezzing at FW RH or at the FWGY exclusively now? (Before they have a different GY that is.) Basically every AV last night ended up the same. Horde constantly showing up out of nowhere. All the games were long too. That I hate. But we won and lost so it was even at least.

      A cool difference was the new quests in AV. There are several around the Aid Station area. You can now trade in Armor Scraps and other things for quest rewards. Decent amounts of gold too. Plus the daily is now different. There is still the normal daily but you also can trade in one medal from each of the 4 BGs for the bonus honor and 11+ gold. If you want, you can trade in the medals over and over for the honor. But you only get the gold once a night. I think the honor points were 316? 314? Oh, and the HPs are given right away. No more waiting until the next day to get them.

      So my first impressions are somewhat nonconclusive. I won't be so into PVP anymore with Pallanen since they are making it nearly impossible for a Warrior to survive. But as for the other things, I like a lot of what I saw last night. Of course, it was just a couple hours. Thats not a lot of time to digest it all and get a feel for how things will go.

      *Edit: OK, I was wrong about being able to get the gold every time you trade in your 4-at-a-time BG medals. Its just the first time. You still get over 300 honor points but the gold apparently is just the first time. Oh well.

      The Battlegrounds were totally messed up since the patch. Every one of them was extremely lagging. Pallanen was killed once by lag when she went after a Horde. She just stood there ready to strike for several minutes. I couldn't move nor do anything. The Horde never moved either. Then suddenly she was dead. All 4 BGs were messed up and this morning (Thursday) I see there is still ongoing emergency maintenance. Good.
      posted by Jen @ 12:43 PM   0 comments
      Where Have All The Alliance Fighters Gone?
      Tuesday, March 25, 2008
      There is a new trend on Pallanen's server that isn't good. The Alliance has been losing in Alterac Valley almost every game. The big problem here is that AV was the only Battlegroung where the Alliance could win. All the others (at level 70) are nearly impossible to get a victory. It's a bad trend that I hope doesn't continue.

      I wonder if maybe a lot of the regular players have gotten all their epics and moved on or something. Moved on to Arena or other alts. I don't know.

      It's like the current groups don't know how to win. Or they don't really want to. I will help take a tower and then everyone leaves. So I keep calling out for help and no one comes. But people sure do bitch when that tower is taken. One Warrior against 3-4 Hordes isn't much of a defense.

      Yesterday I played 3 AV's where we took the RH and no one guarded it. Naturally it was retaken. One time I was guarding the East FW Tower (alone again) and watched as the Horde took the RH. I called and called and no one went to defend. I watched a Druid and Paladin stand in front of Drek's place while it was being taken. I whispered to them and asked why they just stood there. Both said they didn't know it was under attack. ?????

      So I left AV last night. I think I'll wait a while before going back to BGs again. I decided to work on leveling Rubacuori. I managed to get her from 14 to 16 last night. Now she can do poisons. I will raise her poison talents as high as possible tonight. I want to get a high level Horde into these BGs to get the other sides perspective. I think that will help all my girls along the way.

      I am going to get Merenwen into the BGs soon too. MY friend Lisa has been playing her lower levels in the BGs and apparently the Alliance wins most of them. That would be sweet since its the medals that are hardest to save up. If I win the medals early and then get higher honor points later my girls will be set.

      One good thing about Pallanen not doing BGs all the time is that her gold stash is growing. I spent about half the day (play time anyway) Sunday and Monday questing in Netherstorm. I was shocked to see that she gained 300 gold in a very short time. I like that. :)

      The Guild change has happened. Pallanen is now in a Raiding Guild. The Last Standing is way different than what I am used to. Every night there is a group doing Kara or some other raid/instance run. Sunday night I went for my first trip into Gruul's Lair. That was an experience. We wiped every time we tried it. I was in a group that was supposed to contain and (hopefully) kill one of the short caster guys (I forget the name). We did well every time until he was at about 1/2 health then things would go bad and we would wipe. I never saw it coming at any time. Still don't know where the extra attacks came from.

      One thing I have learned about the epic armor (other than how great it protects Pallanen) is that it is very expensive to repair. 5 wipe's in Gruuls Lair and I had a total of 47 gold in repairs. That was an unpleasant surprise.

      So once again my game experience is in flux. So far everything is fun so thats not a complaint. But I do need a change so Rubacuori will be getting a lot of attention in the next few days. She will be happy about that I'm sure. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:38 AM   1 comments
      Winning In Arathi Basin
      Thursday, March 20, 2008
      The Guild merger has started. Soon Pallanen will be in a Raiding Guild, running around flashing a new Guild moniker by her name. It will be weird since she has only ever been in 2 Guilds and the first one lasted a very short time. She has been a part of Viva la Alianza for a very long time. Funny how something like that can actually affect you a bit.

      Pally won't be running around with new colors though. The decision was made to have the newly formed Guild use our Tabard, thus allowing us to retain some of our identity. I thought that was a good thing to do.

      Here's something interesting..... Pallanen was actually in a winning Arathi Basin Battleground last night. That is a very rare thing for Alliance on my server. Last night AB was the daily so with a heavy sigh I accepted the quest and decided to go ahead and try it. I instantly had high hopes because while waiting before the game started at the gate the Raid Leader was giving instructions and people were acknowledging them positively. That also is rare for Alliance on my server. lol

      We used a different strategy right away. Groups 1 & 2 rushed the Blacksmith and took it immediately. The other groups went to the Stable (just one person) and to the Lumber Mill. Once the Blacksmith was capped all but 4 of us went on to help at the LM and then all extras rushed the Gold Mine. Believe it or not, that strategy worked well. We ended up 4-capping for a while. I think the Horde were taken off guard by it. They eventually recovered but never held more than 2 nodes the whole game. Alliance easily won that one and Pallanen got her daily done right away.

      Later I went back to help Graz try for her Daily and things had reverted to the usual. Alliance was getting whipped badly every time. We tried several times in a row but finally we just gave up.

      The difference was simple; keep the pressure on the Horde. Don't let them keep it on you. The losing games all went the same way. We grabbed 2 nodes and tried for a 3rd. Then the Horde would group up and rush our weak areas. There would be huge fights where way too many Alliance would show up and while we were fightinng the Horde would take other nodes. It worked well for them.

      Graz and I would keep trying to stop the huge fights and grab other places but rarely did anyone listen. They would fight the Hordes anywhere and everywhere except for the flags. Thats why we lose AB all the time. The Alliance will fight everywhere but at the flags. They rarely group up to be more effective. The Horde know this and take advantage of it.

      I spent some time doing Alterac Valley also. One of the strangest things the Alliance does in AV is that once a Tower is capped, everyone runs away. I found myself guarding Iceblood Tower alone twice in a row. Then I ended up in Tower Point alone. I didn't take them alone but the Alliance people just cap and run. Then they bitch when the Horde retake the Towers.

      Every time this happened I called and called for help, knowing the Horde would come to those Towers. No one ever came. Only once did I manage to hold Iceblood Tower alone. Luckily for me a lone Warlock came by to try and retake it. It wasn't much of a fight. Pallanen is a Night Elf so I guard the flags stealthed and when the Horde came in and tryed to recap the flag I got in the first few strikes. Hamstringing a Warlock and then stunning them goes a long way to winning a fight against them. If they see me first, I normally lose the fight. This time was an exception.

      The most fun I had was once the Iceblood Tower burned, I healed Pally first and then jumped down to head over to Drek. I jumped down right on top of a Tauren Warrior. lol Never saw him there. He didn't expect that either. We stood in front of each other fow a few seconds before realizing what had happened. Then the fight began.

      I was concerned right away since I had just jumped down from the Tower and Pallanen wasn't at full health. The Tauren was. We exchanged a lot of blows, circling and jumping and hacking at each other. But Pally started getting the best of him. Pallanen is dual wielding the 2 Gladiator swords and the Horde was using the 2 handed Gladiator sword. Pally was doing more damage. He appeared to have Gladiator armor but there was no way I could tell what gear he really had on.

      The fight went on for a few minutes while we exchanged damage and stuns and shouts. It was an very even match. But just when I really started getting worried my Execute became available. I used it twice and the Tauren went down. Pally's build pretty much guarantees crits at least every other time I use Execute. A lot of the time she gets crits several times in a row. Her second time using it she hit the Horde for 4700ish damage. He went right down then. :)

      It was an excellent fight. Having started out injured I was especially satisfied to win. Then as I healed up and got ready to mount I realized I was carrying healing potions and could have used one to help. LOL

      Another odd thing about Alliance on our server is that they will stand and watch Hordes gang up on someone and not help. I had that happen last night. I was going past Iceblood Graveyard when I saw a Night Elf Druid in a fight with 3 Hordes. I dismounted and started helping. We killed one Horde and then the Druid died. I was in a fight with one Paladin and one near dead Horde Warrior alone and noticed an Alliance Mage and Shaman standing next to us. Just standing there. I fought on but quickly lost. So I (im)politely thanked them for the help and rezzed. Luckily at the Relief Hut where I was able to help kill Drek.

      Thats a very odd thing. I will help almost anyone. That Druid I helped was trying to defend the Iceblood GY flag. At least he was doing something constructive. Those other two, I have no idea what they were doing.

      So all in all it was another decent evening. Pallanen has a good number of Honor Points saved again. I am reluctant to trade in my Honor Points anytime soon because I have heard that with the new patch better rewards are going to be available from PVP. I think I'll save up a bunch and see what good things Pallanen can get post Patch 2.4 :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:18 AM   0 comments
      Guild Jumping
      Wednesday, March 19, 2008
      I've been out of town for a few days. I didn't get my needed WoW fix until last night. It was a good thing too. I was having withdraw. I feel much better now. lol

      So last night I decided I needed more Honor Points since I have been away fro BGs for a while. Luckily the Daily was in AV so I played a few of those in a row. It was a good night. Alliance won the first 7 I played. Fast too, no slow turtles. Then the inevitable happened. New players started showing up and things went bad.

      You can tell they are new since they tend to do things that will keep you from winning in AV like capping Frostwolf Graveyard asap. Or running up the FW Towers before going and taking the Relief Hut. The worst is when they see a Horde in the middle of nowhere and 5-6 of them dismount and fight. Useless time when it comes to winning the BG. But it must be fun for them.

      So for 3 straight AVs I endured losing turtles that lasted so long and gave me such low HP. It was annoying. On the 4th one, when I rushed the RH along with one other player and all the rest of the group stopped either at FWGY or went into a tower, I had had enough. There was only 2 Hordes at the RH flag and even just a couple more of us could have taken it but that didn't happen. Naturally once FWGY was capped all the Hordes rezzed at the RH and then they retook their towers and we were stuck in another 35 minute turtle. I left after that one.

      Later I was contacted by our Guild Leader Graz. Another Guild wants to merge with us. They are a Raiding Guild with several of our ex-members. They want to fill out their groups better by adding our people. When the officers of VLA were Ok with the idea Graz asked the Guildies who were online. All of them were into the idea. So it looks like we will become something new very soon. Plus it looks like we will be doing some serious raiding of Kara and other places soon also.

      So much for Pallanen's stint as a Guild Officer. lol But I never cared about that stuff anyway. I am looking forward to trying Pallanen in the high level instances soon. I have to find out if she needs to be a Tank again or if I can continue to keep the current spec build. But I have been playing around with different build designs and I think I have a good one that will give Pally a lot of the Protection skills for Tanking and also give her some of the Arms stuff for PVP. I'll try it out soon and see how it works out.

      I also made a new Guild on my own. I got tired of having people sticking their guild invites in my unguilded girls' faces every time I was playing one of them. My friend Lisa was tired of it too. So I made a Guild just to hide them in (sort of). It really won't amount to anything. But it will stop the unwanted invites and begging for charter signatures. The Guild is called "Club de Joile Filles". That's French for "Pretty Girls Club" LOL

      So tonight I hope to find out more details of the new merger. I also hope to have a few more good trips into the BGs. I am almost completely done with the available BG epics. Pallanen is almost totally decked out in purples. :) Then I will try to get the epics in Arena. I hear Tier 4 is coming soon and Tier 2 will be available in the BGs. I'm just going for the best so Tier 4 is where Pallanen is headed in the near future. At least thats the plan right now. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:34 AM   1 comments
      Guild Officer Pallanen
      Friday, March 14, 2008
      Two nights ago Pallanen was promoted to an Officer position of VLA. There have been issues with personnel recently and we have lost some people. There are also some new faces coming aboard. But for now, the Guild needed Officers to fill in where we have lost. Pally is one of them now.

      I agreed to try it. I really have no idea at all what is involved with it but from the start it doesn’t look like all that big of a deal. I will have the ability to accept (or deny) new recruits into the Guild. I also have the responsibility of allowing withdraws from the Guild Bank. There are simple rules to these things so I don’t think it will be too hard of a job. I’ll play it by ear and see how it all works out.

      Graz and I did a complete revamp of the Guild Tabard last night. The original one was pretty ugly. Pretty much everyone in the Guild agreed it wasn’t the best. So we got together and made a nice one. It is so much better now. Funny how something that seems like no big deal can instantly make you feel a lot better. lol

      We have a few challenges ahead of us. We need to rebuild the higher level groups. We lost quite a few 70s that were experienced Raiders. We need to get reorganized and back to raiding Kara. OK, I need to help with the reorganization. I still haven’t gotten around to getting the second and third Kara keys. I stalled because I felt like I needed better gear first. I didn’t want to be a liability. Pally is well geared now, maybe not for Tanking so much, but she can easily Tank in a pinch. Off-tank I believe it would be. That suits her better anyway. Suits my style better I should say. I’m more interested in dealing tons of damage rather than being the Tank protector of the group. But until we have a real serious Tank I will try to fit the situation.

      Last night a new Guild member suggested something interesting. He (or she ???) mentioned how in other Guilds they have Senior Officers handle the different classes. Meaning that Graz would handle anything to do with Mages, Pallanen would handle Warriors etc….. It’s an interesting concept. I can see the benefits right away. If I had had an experienced Warrior helping me with Pallanen along the way, I would have avoided a lot of the the misery that came from trying to level her with no game experience at all. Mistakes and misjudgments on gear and training and all that. It’s something we are tossing around right now. Maybe we’ll try it and see how it works out. As it is, most Guildie Warriors ask me for help anyway. It probably wouldn’t be all that different for Pallanen.

      So we have started a new era in VLA. I’m hoping it is a good one. I hope it is fun too. If this whole idea of being a Guild Officer interrupts my game fun I won’t keep it up. It is a game after all and I am paying to play the game and have fun doing it. I do not intend to turn it into work. If I allowed that to happen, now wouldn’t that be silly? Uh huh. :P
      posted by Jen @ 7:56 AM   0 comments
      Questing In Nagrand
      Thursday, March 13, 2008
      Pallanen has taken a much needed break from Battlegrounds this week. It’s been nice to be out questing again. I had forgotten how much fun it can be figuring out where and how to complete quests. Plus, being level 70 has special rewards. Pallanen made over 100 gold questing in Nagrand in just two evenings. That was just doing the Nesingwary Safari hunting series.

      It is also fun to see how Pally performs with the new gear and spec. Against NPCs she has no problem whatsoever. Plus she crits so often it’s kind of amazing. All that extra armor with the gems and + crit, + agility, + strength really pays off. Pallanen did all the hunting quests with such ease it was almost comical. Even when she got to the next to last steps and had to kill the Elite Windroc, Talbuk and Clefthoof. She managed to kill all 3 without any sweat at all.

      The last Elite in the string was a different story. lol

      Banthar the Elite was a bit of a struggle. She was harder to hurt than all the others and Pallanen wiped the first time. I got a little cocky after all the earlier successes I guess and just charged right in. Well old Banthar wasn’t having any of that from just a single Warrior. She won that fight and still had 50% of her health.

      So I came back with a better plan. Using my cooldowns and shield this time I managed to get her down to even lower health but she still won. That annoyed me. So back I came. But before I could give it another shot I noticed some other character eyeing her up. I watched as this level 67 Blood Elf Paladin went in after Banthar. Needless to say the Paladin was getting the worst of it. So I charged in and helped her out. Between us we managed to win. Then the Paladin blew Pally a kiss and rode away. I was kind of hoping she would return the favor but that didn’t happen. She probably didn’t realize that I was there for the same quest.

      So I waited and when Banthar respawned I prepared to go after her again.

      By this time you are probably wondering why I just didn’t ask for help. Well, it’s simple. I hate asking for help. I hate getting help. So I avoid it as much as possible.

      But before I could try again a Hunter and a Priest came by and needed to do the quest so I agreed to join up with them (when they asked me to). We got it done pretty fast.

      The one thing during my questing in Nagrand that I found hard to get into my head was that I didn’t have to fight every Horde I ran into. That mindset was all I had for over a month and I had to get used to not attacking all the time. Earlier in the evening, before Banthar, I came across a node of Adamantite. I stopped to mine it and was disappointed when I saw an Undead Warrior mining it already. My first impulse was to get ready to fight (after all the BGs). But once I remembered where I was I remounted and was about to go when the Horde stopped and pointed to me. He then got on his flying mount and waved goodbye. He had left the remainder of the Adamantite node for me to mine. That was pretty cool of him. :)

      What’s really weird about all this goodwill between Horde and Alliance I was experiencing was that later I ended up in Halaa helping take it from the Horde. That was like being in a Battleground all over again.

      BTW, in Halaa Pallanen kicked ass. Not all the players in Outland are well geared yet. A lot of the Hordes in Halaa were not even level 70 yet. So Pally was a standout there last night. She accounted for many kills and assists. Never even got close to dying either. My PVP experience has made me believe that all players should get some of the same experience too. It has helped a great deal.

      So tonight I will work more on Pallanen’s quest backlog. I’d like to get it emptied out soon. But this weekend is Holiday weekend in Alterac Valley so I will be there all weekend. The Honor Points there are always the highest anyway. Being the Holiday there is not something I’ll miss. So tonight Pally will quest and the Friday will be more BGs. It should be a good weekend. :)
      posted by Jen @ 9:24 AM   0 comments
      A Warrior's Point Of View
      Tuesday, March 11, 2008
      From a Warrior's point of view, most other characters in World of Warcraft are cowards. They will stay far away and try to hurt and kill you by casting and running. Anyone knows that when you are picking at someone like a nasty little gnat and running away you are a wimpy coward.

      A Warrior is not that way. They come right at you and bring the hurt. They are honest about what they are doing and how they are doing it. They intend to chop you to bits and dare you to try and stop them. They are not cowards.

      Lets look at some of the other classes from a Warrior's point of view.

      The worst is a Warlock. They simply run away and throw curses and other purple stuff that damages you over time. They have a pet that they send into harms way just to keep them out of trouble. Plus they wear very wimpy, pretty things. They pretend to be tough but all they do is run away. Warlocks are the most cowardly.

      Second worst is a Paladin. Paladins are wimps too. By their style they have no choice but to get face to face sometimes. But they do so little damage they always run away to heal. Then they cast spells too like a little Mage or Warlock. They also surround themselves with a shiny, pretty bubble that keep them from harm while they heal. Sooooo wimpy. That is sickening to a Warrior. Paladins are poser Warriors. Not worty of the title "Warrior" but they pose like one. They are cowards and posers and not worthy of respect.

      Mages are wimpy too. Just not as bad as the first two on this list. They run by and freeze you in place. Then when they are a safe distance they cast nasty damaging spells your way. They wear pretty things too but it suits them. So a Warrior will admire them for their attire. A Warrior will admire their firepower too. Respecting power is a Warrior's trait. But they don't get any respect for their ways. Wimps.

      Hunters don't impress a Warrior too much. Some of them do have it to go toe to toe. But they always have a pet to help them out. The ones who always use their freeze traps and run away are the babies of WoW. They don't like getting their hands dirty so they let their pet do it for them from a safe distance. But there are times when a Hunter will actually fight alongside their pets. Those are the respectable ones in a Warrior's eyes.

      Not all casters are wimpy though. A Warrior has a lot of respect for a Priest. They stand in the midst of a battle and take care of their brothers and sisters. They take a beating and keep going for as long as they can. A Priest is not a wimpy character. They also deal some damage when they have the opportunity. A Priest is a Warrior's best friend in battle.

      There are some other classes that aren't too bad in a Warrior's sight. A Rogue is a good fighter. They can deal a lot of damage and they get in close too. They also can get behind enemy lines and cause big headaches. That takes guile. The thing Warrior's don't like about Rogues is that they like to use stunning poisons and all that wimpy crap. If they were good enough, they wouldn't have to stun a Warrior. They would just fight and win. But even though they do such a wimpy, cowardly thing like that, they can be respected. A little.

      A Shaman.... well, a Warrior can have a little respect for them too. The ones who fight and kick butt are great. Those totem things are a bit on the wimpy side but they sure come in handy. They can heal at the right moment. They can also deal damage. But that is a little wimpy for a Warrior to totally accept. The fact that a Shaman is a good fighter sometimes saves them in a Warriors eyes. A little.

      A Druid is OK sometimes to a Warrior. They can be good fighters, depending on what form they choose. But the problem with them is they come across as schizophrenic to a Warrior. They can't seem to make up their minds as to what form they want at any given moment. Plus sometimes they revert to wimpy casting. But a Druid is one of the more respectable classes to a Warrior. Especially the fighting ones, whatever form they take. Maybe good drugs can keep them non-schizo?

      There are always expections to this list of course. For instance, last night in Alterac Valley a Mage froze Pallanen in place and then proceeded to come after her with her dagger. She made several passes at Pally, swinging that dagger like she knew what she was doing. But someone caught up to that Mage and wiped her up. It made Pallanen a little sad to see it too. Mages swinging daggers at Warriors are to be respected for sure. Maybe they are a little silly to do it but nontheless........

      So there are exceptions to the wimpy list to be sure. But for the most part, when it comes to good, honest, in your face damage dealers, there is only one real classy class in World of Warcraft. A Warrior.

      And that is the World of Warcraft list of classes from a Warrior's point of view.

      (Yes, a very tongue in cheek post for your entertainment. Hope you enjoyed it. :) )
      posted by Jen @ 7:22 AM   2 comments
      Nearly Done With Battlegrounds
      Monday, March 10, 2008
      Time for an update I guess. I haven’t spent a lot of time on the blog recently since all my spare time has been working the Battlegrounds. Yes, the past months posts have all been about that, I know. But very soon things will be different. Why? Because by tomorrow evening Pallanen will have all the epic armor she needs!

      Yes, a month and a week after I was introduced to the BGs Pally will be decked out in all Gladiator and Vindicator armor. All that is left to get is the cloak which I have a good start on already. I do realize there are trinkets and jewelry that I can get via BGs but I think I’m taking a break for a little while. Plus when I go for those I don’t think I’ll grind them out. I’ll play the BGs a little more sensibly.

      There is also the awesome 2-handed sword I want but that thing requires 27,000 honor. It can wait.

      What I plan on next is to get the remaining 2 Kara Key Frags and start raiding Kara with my Guildies. Guildies or whoever needs me. I will go into some Pre-BC instances to test out Pallanen’s Tanking abilities first. I need to see how well she does with the current PVP spec and gear. I am sure it’s not the best set up for Tanking but I don’t plan on changing specs again until I am truly finished with PVP. I could do Kara as a DPS Warrior but usually no one will have a Warrior DPS in the group. Too bad too since its way more fun than Tanking.

      I also plan on getting Pallanen’s Blacksmithing level higher and most of all, restoring her stash of Gold. She has gotten a little low on cash lately. LOL

      The Battlegrounds have been quite a learning experience. I have a much better handle on the Warrior’s strengths and weaknesses. The Warrior seems to be a little more limited in what they can do against other classes compared to……… well, other classes. :P For example, Pally can easily wipe up a Hunter if she gets to them. But a good Hunter player can keep their distance and hurt her. Any class that can stun and keep distance is an issue for a Warrior. Getting the first strike in is a huge difference maker for sure.

      I like it when I see a Hunter in the midst of a big battle and they don’t see me. I charge them and Hamstring them right away. Usually that’s the end for them. Hunters up close, no matter how well geared, are no match for Pallanen. The really good Hunter players will drop a freeze trap and try to get away but that doesn’t always work well for them anyway. Surprisingly the Hunter pets don’t do a lot of damage to Pallanen. Maybe I haven’t run into too many BM Hunters?

      Pallanen handles Mages pretty much the same way. Mages do a crap-load more damage though so it’s very important to keep them close.

      The only real problem classes for Pallanen are the ones that stun and heal. Paladins and Druids especially. It’s maddening to be whipping someone’s butt badly only to have them stun you and completely heal before you can move again. I think Blizz should have some kind of weapon a Warrior can use at least once a fight that will prevent another class from doing that.

      Yesterday Pallanen had an epic battle with a Druid just outside of Dun Baldor. (sp?) It was near the lake behind the South Bunker. A Druid stopped her as she was riding by and left no choice but to fight. Well, Pallanen was totally wiping him up until he put her in one of those whirlwind things they do and healed himself. Then he shifted to bear form and started fighting again. This kept going on for a very long time. The Druid didn’t do much damage to Pallanen at all but he kept healing himself so the accumulation effect was bad for Pally. The fight just kept going on and on. It lasted at least 5 full minutes. I stayed with it just hoping someone would come along and tip the fight my way. I knew trying to run was a waste of time. Just as Pallanen was down to almost no life an Alliance Rogue came by and jumped in. I quickly popped a healing potion and between the two of us we finally killed that Druid. But Pallanen would not have won alone.

      That kind of thing is so frustrating.

      Anyway, this is another long post. I do get gabby. lol Maybe Wednesday I will post a pic of Pallanen in her full epic armor set. I’ll try to do that for sure since she has worked very hard to get it all together. Soon after I hope to post about something other than Battlegrounds.

      Or maybe even post something about one of the other girls than Pallanen. I do have a few more that could use some attention. lol
      posted by Jen @ 10:12 AM   0 comments
      The Daily Grind
      Monday, March 3, 2008
      The Battlegrounds have become the daily grind. But that isn't a complaint. I'm having a kick-ass time with Pallanen in the BGs. She is getting stronger and learning to fight better (yes, I am aware that part is me learning how to fight) and the games are fun. What else can one want out of a game?

      Not much.

      Pally now has all the main armor pieces and the two swords. I like dual wielding so thats what build I went for first. I realize that I will need the epic 2-hander eventually. But that sword costs 27,000 honor points! Plus 40 marks (I think it is Alterac Valley but I'm not real sure right now.) I will have it but not for a while.

      This weekend I made my personal goal of getting the Helm and the Leggings. That worked out well. I also have 9,000ish more HP toward the next piece, the belt. Then the Bracers, which will seem so easy after all those hard things. The bracers are only 11,000 HP, which is a breeze anymore. The belt is 18,000.

      I got very bored doing Alterac Valley all the time this weekend. But it is the best for grinding HP. Even losing there nets more HP than winning anywhere else. But still, I was tired of it. So I got into the rotation of doing AV, then AB, then Warsong Gulch and then Eye of the Storm. I'll need marks from each to get all the rewards anyway so doing them all keeps me from getting too bored.

      I did notice that only in AB and AV will people bitch a lot. Sometimes in all of them but those 2 are the worst. Also, in AB, people quit fast. These days I just laugh and still try to win no matter what the score. It does happen that you will win if you keep fighting.

      Yesterday the group I was with in AV was way behind. Someone took the Frostwolf Graveyard way before taking the Relief Hut and that always makes things really hard on the offense to win. There was a lot of complaining and insults (silly) but I stuck with a group that kept grinding at the Horde reinforcements. We got to the RH flag and fought while someone managed to actually cap it, then we held on. Eventually we ended up killing Drek even though we were way behind originally. It pays to keep fighting.

      Last night a Guildie asked me about doing Arenas. I read up on them this morning and it sounds like fun. I think I'll give it a try. We'll see how that goes. To start we will be a 3v3 team. But Graz mentioned later that maybe we could do a 5v5 team also.

      One nice break I had over the weekend was when my favorite Guildie friend Graz needed a run through the Stockades for her Hunter alt. We went in and totally wiped the place. She leveled once while we were there. Plus she was half way to leveling again and had 4 quests to turn in. I'm hoping she leveled again later.

      So I think I'm looking at another 4 weeks or so in the BGs. The daily BG grind. lol That 4 weeks includes the epic 2-hander sword. I'm not sure how much effort I'll go to for the jewelry. Right now, I am having a lot of fun so who knows? Maybe I'll just keep going until there aren't anymore rewards to get.

      I can see that happening. :P
      posted by Jen @ 7:36 AM   0 comments
      About Me

      Name: Jen
      Home: Pennsylvania, United States
      About Me: I started playing WoW after my best friend bugged me to play. I soon learned that I really liked it. Now 2 years later I still play and have 20 characters. LOL I am no gaming expert. I am no WoW expert. A lot of the terms and "how to do's" elude me still. But I love to play. All you will find here are the adventures of Pallanen and her sisters. I love them all and they really kick butt. So stay tuned and maybe we can learn stuff from each other that we never knew. xoxo
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