Adventures On Kul Tiras

The continuing adventures of my family of girls on Kul Tiras.

    Race: Night Elf
    Class: Warrior
    Level: 80
    Dual Spec.: Arms/Protection
    Realm: Kul Tiras
    Battlegroup: Vengeance
    Guild: Club de Jolie Filles
      Profession #1: Grand Master Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Master Swordsmith 450/450
      Profession #2: Mining 450/450
      Race: Night Elf
      Class: Hunter
      Level: 80
      Spec.: Beast Mastery
      Realm: Kul Tiras
      Battlegroup: Vengeance
      Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 275/375
        Profession #2: Skinning 450/450
        Race: Human
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 46
        Spec.: Combat
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Alchemy 290/300
        Profession #2: Herbalism 291/300
        Lockpicking: 215/225
        Race: Human
        Class: Mage
        Level: 50
        Spec.: Frost
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Enchanting 352/375
        Profession #2: Tailoring 350/375
        Race: Human
        Class: Death Knight
        Level: 60
        Spec.: Blood
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 316/375
        Profession #2: Engineering 100/150
        Race: Night Elf
        Class: Druid
        Level: 25
        Spec.: Feral
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 67/75
        Profession #2: Skinning 133/150
        Race: Human
        Class: Warrior
        Level: 47
        Spec.: Arms
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Blacksmith 300/300
        Profession #2: Mining 289/300
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 26
        Spec.: Subtlety
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Herbalism 111/150
        Profession #2: Alchemy 93/150
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Priest
        Level: 80
        Spec.: Shadow
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 450/450
        Profession #2: Enchanting 340/375
      Time For An Update
      Friday, August 29, 2008
      I didn't realize it had been nearly 2 weeks since I updated. I guess I'm slacking here lately. :P

      Ki'Leana is now 48. She reached 48 last night in The Hinterlands. I forgot how fun it was there. Pallanen was the first character I took there and I remember her having a tough time. But I also remembered the rewards were nice. At any rate, Ki'Leana is doing fine with those quests. I managed to do about 7 in a very close circle last night that were basically grinding quests, but they were fun. Most rewards give you some stuff plus over a gold to boot so it's a nice place.

      The scenery there is great and the Trolls crack me up the way they talk. They're like Bob Marley wannabees. lol

      The only complaint I have about the area is that there are a ton of mobs everywhere and you can't take a step without aggroing a few at a time. For example, I was killing Silvermane Howlers for a quest and trying to be careful. I found one and checked all around him. It was clear so I pulled him and started kicking his butt. He was almost done for when suddenly one of those flying bird things showed up and attacked Ki. So I finished the wolf and worked on the birdthing. As I was fighting him suddenly an Owlbeast jumped me. Now I was concerned. Mana was becoming an issue. So I killed the bird and started on the Owlbeast just as another Owlbeast came along. Now I was seriously worried. Mana was very low and I had 2 mobs to kill. I didn't want to fear them because somethimes when feared they returned with more friends. So I kept the shield on and mostly used Ki'Leana's wand. I managed to kill those 2 with half life and no mana left. So I sat down to drink and restore mana when from out of nowhere another Owlbeast attacked. *sigh Ki'Leana handled him and got her health and mana back again easily enough but that was 5 mobs showing up where I had originally planned on just the one wolf.

      Welcome to the Hinterlands. lol

      I have been trying to let Ki'Leana get some rest bonus lately. Running her full out with a purple XP bar bugs me, especially when the quests at her level are a lot of grinding ones. So I have been playing Bloodrainne some and Aerynel also. It's kind of fun to mix it up a bit anyway.

      I did log onto Pallanen last week for some PVP action. I needed a fix. My old Guild was happy to see me. That was nice. Graz was really happy. Apparently there have been some big changes in the old Guild and it's batter to play there now. The best thing I was told was that the one annoying Warrior guy was gone. He has a well geared Tank but he was also seriously obnoxious about everything. I think I could make Pallanen a Tank again since (I think) the guildies need another one now. I'm not too clear on it for sure though. But it was like coming home being back on Kul Tiras again. It made me miss the place.

      I always miss playing Pallanen. I will be pretty happy when the expansion comes out and I get to level her to 80. :)

      Anyway, thats where we stand for now. Ki'Leana should make 70 by the end of September at this rate. I say that because the Guild is ready for both Lisa and I to hit the Outlands and then we will be escorted through a lot of the quests. Having 2 well geared and experienced Healers is the Guild's goal and soon my bff and I will be there. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:54 AM   0 comments
      Pallanen Has Arrived
      Sunday, August 17, 2008
      My Figure Print statue of Pallanen arrived via FexEx this weekend. I am so happy I got one done. Now even when I quit playing the game I'll always have a unique piece of memorabilia that no one else will ever have. Pally will be with me forever. :)

      Corny huh? Yeah, but it's fun. :P

      The image is done pretty well. It's sealed in a glass dome and maybe 4" tall. The glass is much larger. But the detail is nicely done. Here are some shots of Pallanen immortalized forever. Notice the Guild Tabard is even colored and printed right.

      It was kind of hard getting decent pics since the glass was so shiny. Hopefully everyone can see that the detail is pretty well done. I'd suggest entering in the monthly drawing if you want one done. It took a little over a month to get Pally but for me, it was worth the wait. :)
      posted by Jen @ 8:50 AM   0 comments
      New Screenshots
      Thursday, August 14, 2008
      So you all are probably wondering why I am doing a post of screenshots again. (All one of you who stop by here that is. :P) It's a fair question with a simple answer. I'm too lazy to write up a new post about my girls' latest exploits. See, I don't mind admitting the obvious about myself. :)

      As you can see by the shots here I have been playing the 2 Priests exclusively lately. Enjoy.

      A shot of Eville at 19. There is nothing special about this one. I just like to record the girls new look when they get one.

      Ki'Leana taking a breather in the Shimmering Flats with her birdie friend. Notice how she sits like a Lady with her hands folded. :)

      Ki on the floating boat from Stranglethorn to Undercity. She likes to hop on the very front and watch the scenery go by.

      Ki'Leana kicking ass in the Shimmering Flats. This was just after getting her new gown. She looks pretty serious when she is fighting.

      Ki'Leana in Orgrimmar waiting on her ride home. I just like this shot a lot. She looks hot here.

      Thats my post for the day. I plan on starting the Tanaris quests soon. Hopefully there will be some new adventures to document from there. Until then...... :)
      posted by Jen @ 9:33 PM   0 comments
      Brain Farts Galore
      Wednesday, August 13, 2008
      Ki'Leana turned 40 last night. She leveled before I knew what was happening. I didn't intend for her to get to 40 before I took her into a few Battlegrounds but I blew it. I really want to get into some groupings to get practice with a Priest in those situations. I have no experience and am concerned about it. But whatever....

      That wasn't the only blunder I made last night. I think I was a bit braindead or something for a while. I started out in Alterac doing a few quests I hadn't felt like doing yet. One was to get an Iron Key and free a captured Orc there. The other was to find and kill Baron Whatshisname lol in Strahnbrad (sp???). I got to the town and killed everything around just for fun, then went into the Inn hoping the Baron was inside. He normally is in the basement of the Inn but if he isn't he is in one of the camps outside the town. The camps are more of a challenge so I was hoping... but no such luck. The Baron was not at the Inn.

      I headed out to the camps looking for him. All the time I kept seeing people on general chat asking where he was. After maybe 10 minutes I found him at the 3rd camp and decided that I would help out those who were looking for him too. I told them to come where I was and we would kill him together. It turned out that the group looking for him had a tough time just getting to me. They were all level 28-29. The mobs there are 38-39. The cats are even 33. lol

      So again I waited until they all made it to me. I kept killing the patrollers around and finally 3 of the group made it. I laughed when they kept asking why the mobs were resisting their spells and hits so much. I don't care for the term "Noob" but that is definitely a "Noob" question. Mobs 10 levels above you are pretty resistant to anything you try and do to them.

      Anyway, I pulled the group surrounding the Baron one by one and we all killed them. They were no challenge for Ki and I knew that I could have done this one solo. Then one of the group, a Warlock, got too close and the Baron and 3 of his buddies suddenly charged us. We ended up killing all 4 of them but the little Paladin was almost dead and the Lock was dead. Good thing Ki'Leana is a Priest. I rezzed and healed the group and all was good with the world. So they all thanked me for the help and we went on our merry way. I headed to Arathi to meet Lisa and do some quests there. Once I arrived I realized that I hadn't looted the Baron. After all that hassle I didn't get credit for the quest and was going to have to do it over again. Duh!

      Then Lisa and I did some of the Princess Trapped! quest line. When we got the last key and opened the keystone at the Circle of Inner Binding I was so preoccupied with helping Lisa kill the giant there that I totally forgot to get the next part of the quest (again). We got all the way back to Hammerfall before I realized it. So I had to trek all the way back to the circle and get the next part of the quest line. Naturally the giant popped out at me again. I just feared him and ran away. lol

      So then Lisa and I went together to get the Baron and do some other quests in the same area. (She hadn't done them yet. Yay!) The Baron guy was in the Inn but a Dranei had just killed him. We waited for a while but got tired of that so we headed to the camps. I was leading (which on this night was a kistake) and ended up taking the grassy route to wrong way. We ended up at the Alliance camp in the Western Plaguelands. Chillwind Camp. Nice.

      So we backtracked and went to find the Baron guy. We found him and killed him then went to find the next quest. It was some Paladin guy in a house nearby. We took care of him and then hearthed back home.

      All in all it was a good night for questing. But it wasn't one of my better days for using my brain. Lisa isn't the most patient person either so it was cool that she wasn't with me the whole night. She might have left me for the mobs to knock some sense back into my head. :P
      posted by Jen @ 7:56 AM   0 comments
      Gee, Thats Some Escort You Have There
      Tuesday, August 12, 2008
      Ki'Leana had quite an escort last night while questing in Arathi. She was doing quests all over the place and ended up in Stromgard Keep with several to do. A 70 Night Elf Rogue took a liking to her and helped her with all her quests there. Needless to say it didn't take her long to get done. :)

      She is 39 now and the mobs in Stromgard aren't too much for her to handle but the Rogue must have thought differently. I know he was a 70 since he had some serious gear that only a 70 could earn. (At least his blades were 70 PVP. I recognized those since Pallanen has the same ones.) His name was Invisibible and he sure helped Ki a lot.

      It started out innocently enough. Ki'Leana was at the beginning of her Syndicate killing spree when the Rogue showed up. She needed to kill Marez Cowl so I headed his way first. I worked my way down the walkway toward where I knew Cowl was when the Rogue showed up. He was running around killing everything. He was also flagged which concerned me a bit. I went behind the building where Cowl lurks only to be disappointed. He wasn't there. Then Invisabible came and started poking at Ki'Leana. I wondered what he wanted with a little old BE Priest, especially since he was flagged. But he didn't do anything rude or nasty toward Ki so I made jokes and generally socialzed the best a Blood Elf can with a Night Elf. lol

      He then did something funny, he started changing forms. He became a cat and a Furblog. I thought that was kind of cool. The Furblog thing I got since I have done the line of quests in Ashenvale that gives you the rod to transform into a Furblog. I know how he did that but the cat I wasn't sure about.

      Anyway, to make this story a bit shorter, Invisibible must have been feeling generous. I decided that Cowl must have respawned on the upper level (where I've seen him before) and headed up there. The Rogue kept following Ki'Leana and killing anything that attacked her. It got to the point that I just used Ki's Wand and pulled a mob and Invisibible would kill them. We went all through Stromgard killing everything. Eventually I found Cowl (at the original location lol) and killed him. Then I went to where the Ogres are and did 2 quests there. Invisibible went along the whole time, doing all the hard work for Ki'Leana. It was quite a nice escort.

      I'm sure that people seeing a Blood Elf Priest being escorted about by a 70 Night Elf Rogue would kind of find it odd, but it was pretty cool. On Aerie Peak, Races seem to be more helpful to each other than on Kul Tiras. Odd or not, I sure appreciated it. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:38 AM   1 comments
      Just Do It
      Thursday, August 7, 2008
      Last night I decided to bite the bullet and try to do some Quests in Hillsbrad with Ki'Leana that I had been putting off. They were orange/yellow for her and I tend to avoid the really hard stuff since she is a Priest. I guess I still have the fear of taking a Caster & Cloth wearer into tough places. Lets just chalk that up to my love and experience for Warriors and Hunters who wear metal armor.

      But since I had no other great quests to do, I decided to give the tough ones a whirl.

      I started out with Prison Break-in. It required me to go to the Loardamere (sp???) Internment Camp and find 4 traitors who had stolen stuff from Undercity. I took Ki'Leana above the camp and looked around a bit before charging in. I saw that the goons there were her level (33 at the time) and a little higher also. So I pulled the one closest guard to see how hard they were to kill. I remembered how bad the guards at the Azureload Mine had hurt Ki so I wanted to be sure about how hard it would be to do this.

      As it turned out, it was easy. :)

      Ki'Leana easily killed that guard. It was encouraging so I went to the gate and pulled those 2 guards. Ki wiped them up too. Now I was feeling good about it. So I proceeded to walk throught the entire camp, killing all the bad guys and killing the traitors and taking back what they stole. It was fun. :)

      The first 3 traitors were easy to find. The last was harder. He was on the top floor of the building outside the fences. He was also level 35. There were 3 guards on the bottom floor and 2 more upstairs. There was also the Warden of the place with him that was a caster level 36. Ki handled the guards easily. At one point she killed 3 of them that had jumped her. (I was pleasantly surprised that she could do that.) Then I tried to pull just the 35 traitor and again was surprised to find that he came alone without the Warden. Naturally he went down and then so did the 36 Warden. Viola! The quest was done. What was I worried about? lol

      I stayed around outside for a bit to kill more guards. They drop the stones needed for the quest Stone Tokens.

      Then I checked my map to see where Questhelper wanted me to go next. I was bummed to see that I had passed the Yeti Cave on my way to the first quest and I needed to go there. So I headed back, encouraged by Ki'Leana's success and went inside the cave to do the second part of Helcular's Revenge. (I had already done the first part, getting the wand in the same cave a few days before.) I had to take the wand and charge it in the 3 fires listed. Two were in the Yeti Cave.

      This part went really fast because the Yeti were 1-2 levels below Ki plus there was a level 30 Dranei Warrior tagging along. He must have had a quest there too. I saw 3 of the Yeti jump him and he wasn't doing badly but I helped him out anyway. We ended up taking turns pulling the Yeti and helping each other clear the whole place out. He let me mine everything and to my surprise, he was a skinner. He got to skin all the dead Yeti so it worked out.

      Getting the 3rd flame charge wasn't quite as easily done. It was in the Growless Cave near the Ruins of Alterac. The Mountain Yetis owned that one and there were lots of them around. But I managed to get inside the cave and get that done too without incident.

      On the way there I made a stop near Corin's Dagger to kill a Hulking Mountain Lion for a quest that also ended inside the Growless Cave. It was one I got from the Hunter guy in Thunder Bluff (after completing quests in Thousand Needles and being sent there.) I needed the fresh carcass from the Lion to put on the flame so I could summon the Yeti Frostmaw and kill him. Funny thing was, getting that lion carcass put me close to a Syndicate camp that turned out to be the place to do Infiltration. (Keeping track of all these quests can be a challenge.) I was thinking that those quests where you have to kill mobs for one certain drop were a pain. But I ended up killing just one level 35 Syndicate guy and the item dropped right away. I ran away laughing and went to the cave to complete the Frostmaw quest.

      Now, the Frostmaw quest was not so easy. Once I summoned him he turned out to be level 37. Ki'Leana was still 33 so it was a challenge. I used a lot of mana but managed to kill him with maybe 1/2 health left. In the end, it was pretty OK.

      So now I was ready to go to Southshore for the last part of Helcular's Revenge. I was looking forward to this one. All Ki had to do was find Helcular's Grave and use the now charged up wand thingy to bring him back to life for his revenge. I found the grave and rezzed Helcular. He was a 44 elite. I stayed for a long time waiting for him to go and kill the town but he never left the GY. He just walked around it and did nothing. I had read on Thottbot that he will go and kill townsfolk but maybe that was old news. All he did last night was hang in the GY. I kept trying to get Alliance players to notice me and come into his range by waving and dancing and poking them but no one ever did. In the end, I just left him there to walk around the GY. Some revenge.

      After I turned in all the quests I got 2 more right back at Dalaran. Bracers of Binding & Dalaran Patrols. I finished them up easily and then called it a night. Ki leveled after turning in those last 2. As I was headed back to the Inn in Taren Mill I realized that when I had started I was hesitant and worried that Ki'Leana would not be able to do the quests since they were orange and yellow. But then the last ones I did in the same area I never even hesitated and went and got them done easily.

      Another lesson learned I guess. Just do it. Its not so hard as it may appear. Plus, I learned that a Priest is not quite as weak as I had thought. I am more impressed with Ki'Leana now than before. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:07 AM   1 comments
      Wednesday, August 6, 2008
      I am struggling with the game lately. I love playing Ki'Leana. But for some silly reason I find myself wishing she was on Kul Tiras. But when I think it out I realize it's not the realm I miss so much as it is my Guild on the original realm. Moving Ki wouldn't help there since she is a Horde. I really don't know why I think about it then but I do. Duh!

      The people on Aerie Peak are great. Four of us work together (in real life) and one is my best friend Lisa, so its easy to play when you know somebody and can give them crap and all that. It's fun. But I miss Pallanen a lot these days and I miss my Guildies on Kul Tiras. That Guild is a really great one. I especially miss Graz a lot but her game time is less and less these days. That may change when Summer is over.

      Now the group on Aerie Peak is starting to transfer some of their high level characters from other realms. Lisa is considering moving her 70 Hunter. It has been suggested that I bring Pallanen along. I thought about it for about a nano-second then refused. I don't want to. Pally is where she belongs even if the Guild is changing and all that. I am considering moving Sairalinde though. It would not take very long at all to get her to 70 with the new group. They help with everything. Then she could be the Alliance character I use for raiding on that realm.

      As for raiding, Pallanen's Guild has changed how the raids are scheduled. I kept checking the website and noticed less and less raids scheduled on the Events Calander. Then last Thursday I was running the dailies with Pally and saw that the Guild was doing several raids that night. It was supposed to be an off night. So I asked about it. Turns out they are scheduling events using a download called Group Calander.

      Another download. *sigh

      I stifled my reaction to think about this change for a few days. I tend to react emotionally some times. But after thinking about it for 5-6 days I know for sure I will not be downloading any more add ons or mods or whatever you choose to call them. So Pallanen will not be raiding regularly anymore. I will only be able to go with the Guildies when I'm on and they happen to need another DPS character. Or if I can get times in advance for where we are going to go and when. In reality, we all know how often that will actually work out.


      I don't remember any of us from our original Guild VLA having ever voiced this since that Guild's demise but I sure do miss it. If not for the addition one one skanky bitch and the doofus GM that couldn't see through her line of shit, we would still be on a roll. We would be doing our own raids with the same people we "grew up with" and we would be making decisions together. Things (at least in my mind) would be altogether more cozy feeling. I miss VLA and as much as I like TLS, and I really do like it a lot, it's not the same feeling as being with the groups and people with whom you leveled your Main from the very low levels. There isn't a substitute for that. This is just a game but if I ever had the chance to smack that skank who messed up VLA I think I would enjoy it.

      LOL That was refreshing to finally spit it out. I guess thats what Blogs are for.

      Pallanen will stay in TLS and on Kul Tiras for the forseeable future. Ki'Leana will stay my main on Aerie Peak. I may move Sairalinde there eventually since C&G has a pretty superior Alliance raiding group. They are good in Arenas too. I'm just not sure about any of this right now. For now, I'll just keep to myself and play Pallanen for the comfort of it, level Ki'Leana for the fun of it and let the chips fall where they may.

      It's pretty silly to get all bugged and stuff from a game anyway. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:13 AM   0 comments
      About Me

      Name: Jen
      Home: Pennsylvania, United States
      About Me: I started playing WoW after my best friend bugged me to play. I soon learned that I really liked it. Now 2 years later I still play and have 20 characters. LOL I am no gaming expert. I am no WoW expert. A lot of the terms and "how to do's" elude me still. But I love to play. All you will find here are the adventures of Pallanen and her sisters. I love them all and they really kick butt. So stay tuned and maybe we can learn stuff from each other that we never knew. xoxo
      See my complete profile
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