Adventures On Kul Tiras

The continuing adventures of my family of girls on Kul Tiras.

    Race: Night Elf
    Class: Warrior
    Level: 80
    Dual Spec.: Arms/Protection
    Realm: Kul Tiras
    Battlegroup: Vengeance
    Guild: Club de Jolie Filles
      Profession #1: Grand Master Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Master Swordsmith 450/450
      Profession #2: Mining 450/450
      Race: Night Elf
      Class: Hunter
      Level: 80
      Spec.: Beast Mastery
      Realm: Kul Tiras
      Battlegroup: Vengeance
      Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 275/375
        Profession #2: Skinning 450/450
        Race: Human
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 46
        Spec.: Combat
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Alchemy 290/300
        Profession #2: Herbalism 291/300
        Lockpicking: 215/225
        Race: Human
        Class: Mage
        Level: 50
        Spec.: Frost
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Enchanting 352/375
        Profession #2: Tailoring 350/375
        Race: Human
        Class: Death Knight
        Level: 60
        Spec.: Blood
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 316/375
        Profession #2: Engineering 100/150
        Race: Night Elf
        Class: Druid
        Level: 25
        Spec.: Feral
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 67/75
        Profession #2: Skinning 133/150
        Race: Human
        Class: Warrior
        Level: 47
        Spec.: Arms
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Blacksmith 300/300
        Profession #2: Mining 289/300
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 26
        Spec.: Subtlety
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Herbalism 111/150
        Profession #2: Alchemy 93/150
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Priest
        Level: 80
        Spec.: Shadow
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 450/450
        Profession #2: Enchanting 340/375
      Ki'Leana Is 61
      Thursday, September 25, 2008
      Ki’Leana is now 61. She leveled at outside Falcon Watch when one of those annoying boars knocked her off her mount and she killed him. That’s what he gets for picking on a Lady. lol

      Getting to 61 was a chore. Outland is not nice to a Priest specced more for healing than DPS. It is fun but sometimes a bit of a grind. I did some crazy quests between 60-61. The ones near the Hellfire Citadel are hard. One was to take a gem and set it up behind the Citadel and protect it while it attunes to Hellfire. It called for a group of at least 2. Well, that was a handful for 2 people. The little demons just keep on coming and coming while that slow poke gem does its thing. I did it along with a Paladin and we survived but it was no picnic. I think 3 or more would be better for that quest.

      Ki gets a rest now for a few days. It’s time for Sairalinde to level. I will keep going between the two until they are 70.

      Here’s something funny. Over the weekend I was doing dailies in Quel’Danas with Pallanen. I was almost done and went to do the two flying ones. I got to the flight guy and put my cursor on him to get on the flying mount but just as I clicked on him a flagged Tauran Druid got in front of me. Instead of clicking on the flight guy I clicked on the Druid like I was attacking him. To my shock (since it happened so fast) Pallanen started chopping at the Druid. Then the ‘Bouncers’ attacked Pally and kept hitting her with something that made her fly a long way away.

      They wouldn’t leave her alone either and eventually they killed her. I tried to run. I never attacked any of them but they were persistent. The Druid stood there laughing at me so I logged onto Rubacuori and told him it was an accident. He said he knew that. He was flagged because he had just quit in a Battleground and was doing the dailies. lol

      I thought it was funny anyway. Talk about a sorry coincidence. Oh well. Live and learn. I look around me more now before clicking a quest giver. :P
      posted by Jen @ 7:51 AM   0 comments
      WoW Is Run By Hot Women In Lingere
      Tuesday, September 23, 2008
      Every now and then I think the designers of WoW are either hot women who like their hot lingere or horny guys who like seeing women in hot lingere. Here are a couple of pics of Ki'Leana's newest armor. I look at the buffs on the armor and don't think twice about it if it's better than what she is wearing, I equip it. Every now and then I am pleasantly surprised to see that it is sexy as well as an improvement. This particular set of 'leggings' is actually called "Wanderer's Stitched Trousers". Trousers? You be the judge if these are really trousers. lol

      Nice, eh? The specs are 90 armor, +19 Stamina, +19 Intellect, +12 Spirit, they increase damage and healing by up to 23. They were a nice improvement over her last pair plus they look like Victoria's Secret armor.

      I love this part of the game. :) Now I wish I could find a WoW costume like this for Halloween. :P
      posted by Jen @ 9:34 PM   0 comments
      Forehead Meets Brickwall
      Monday, September 22, 2008
      I spent quite a lot of time with Ki'Leana in Outland this past weekend. By that I don't mean I was playing her and leveling. All I did was log onto her and then log off. I did that about 6 times over the weekend. lol I did log on once and take her to Undercity for an AH visit but after returning to Outland I logged off again. All weekend it was like that. I just couldn't bring myself to try and do quests.

      I think it boils down to just how much harder it is to level a Priest. That and the fact that Outland is harder even on the other classes. I wasn't into it at all. I think I hit a mental brick wall.

      Last night as I watched the last Baseball game ever in Yankee Stadium (don't get me started on that!) I managed to talk myself into trying a quest or 2 with Ki. I did finish one but it was hard. I partially finished another and then quit. It will be better when she is 60 but for starters, small bits are all I can do. Getting to 60 will be very easy too. Just completing 1 1/2 quests gave her almost 1/2 a bar of xp. I just need to get focused on questing.

      I did do a lot of dailies with Pallanen. I also did the Shatt quest "What book? I don't see any book." I have accepted and deleted that darn quest 5-6 times. When the questgiver walked by me again yesterday I accepted it and gave it a try.

      I thought at first I'd need some help with it. The mob I needed to beat into submission was a 66 elite with 2 friends. I didn't feel like asking for help so I tried it solo. Pallanen kicked his butt quite handily. I did use one healing potion toward the end but I think she would have been fine wihout it. Then I did the next in the string. The last part of that chain is to go to Auchindon (sp??) and kill the guy reading from the book and raising souls. He was a 66 elite too. I thought he would be easy also. I was wrong.

      That guy hits hard. Plus when you get him down to maybe 1/2 health he conjures a firey elemental that hits hard too. Pallanen couldn't do that part of the questline solo. I even tried to kite the guy outside the ruins to where the 70 elite Dranei are but he wouldn't go far enough. So I gave up and did all the dailies again.

      I made another new character Thursday evening. Lisa made a Night Elf Hunter on Aerie Peake so I made a Night Elf Rogue so we could play together when our Hordies need rest. Her name is Analalai. That means Danger in elvish. The name was the hardest part. I tried 22 different ones until I found one that wasn't taken. From Thursday until Sunday morning I managed to level her to 18. lol I took her to Westfall and did all the prequals to the VC (Deadmines) quest so that I can get a high level to run me thru. I want the entire Defias set for this Rogue. I have always wanted a character to get the whole set but never managed to get it. This time I will. :P

      Last night I finally got around to deleting my Human Warlock. Try as I may I just can't get into playing a Warlock. Plus I have detailed how much I think they suck from my PVP experiences. I have no respect for them. So I sent what good stuff she had to Merenwen and deleted her. Now I have room for a Death Knight once the expansion comes out. Nice. :)

      Tonight I plan on playing Ki'Leana some more. If I don't find my head mashing a brick wall again, she should be 60 in no time. But we'll see........
      posted by Jen @ 12:43 PM   0 comments
      Guild Drama
      Thursday, September 18, 2008
      I got to speak to my WoW friend Graz last night for the first time since we were booted from the Guild. I was surprised to hear a 3rd different story about the so-called demise of TLS. It looks like TLS is fine and dandy, minus Graz and her family and friends.

      Apparently she had a disagreement with someone in the Guild, not even the GM (some healer person it sounds like), and they booted her without a word. Not just her but her sons and brother. I'm guessing that since Pallanen was a known close associate, thats the real reason she was booted too. lol

      The disagreement appears to have been Graz trying to make the raids more even and fair for the other guildies. The response she got from whoever it was was simply "I don't care. I just care about getting my marks." (Strong emphasis on "my".) I'm guessing (and thats all I can really do) is that this kind of disagreement has been happening for a while. One of the founders of the Guild left a couple months ago for the same reason. She was really missed, even by myself. It was a shock to most of us then. I suppose this latest BS shouldn't be so shocking.

      How strange. I don't get game drama at all. Maybe Guilds aren't a great idea. It seems like once a Guild gets big enough to do high level things, the drama begins. My personal experiences have not been great. Pallanen had been in Iron Cross Warriors and the GM there told me he/she was going to boot me if I didn't get Vent within 24 hours. That was hilarious. At the time I had never even heard of Vent. Pally was only somewhere around level 25. But the ultimatum was just too much. Then came Viva la Alianza. That was the good one. The one that was tight knit and fun and very supportive. But the GM there managed to make it a mess and we ended up merging the remaining guildies with The Last Standing. Now TLS has proven to be run by screwey people too.

      No matter which of the 3 versions (**see footnote) of why this stuff has happened in TLS, the bottom line is that Pallanen was booted without notice. With no real reason for it. I've been told it wasn't personal. I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean. Anytime a person is kicked out of a group, it is personal. The group, or group leader(s), has decided that person is not worthy of them. It is insulting and it is personal. In the context of a game, it is also very silly.

      Graz gave me the opportunity to join her new Guild. I was very tempted. Only because she has been the one true decent person I've met in game. (Other than my bff Lisa of course but I've known her for real for a long time.) But I'm done with these silly dramas. Pallanen is fine in my little Guild. I can get into pugs for raids or go with Graz's new Guild should they have need of my services. I don't need all the extraneous stuff anymore. I prefer to spend my game time, you know, playing the game.

      Everytime people are involved in something, things get kinda weird. Too bad it's unavoidable. lol Staying away from people who choose to be insulting and hurtful and then tell you "it's OK, it's not personal", thats the right idea. A game is for fun and relaxation. It's nothing more than that. Those who are running Guilds like the examples I've listed here, those are the people to stay away from for sure.

      **Edited 22/SEP/2008 I looked over the note I got from one of the TLS officers. It does say that the officers were staying with the Guild and everyone else was being booted. Graz was an officer too so I guess that didn't apply to her. For what it's worth, it was just 2 versions of the story, not 3. :P
      posted by Jen @ 7:10 AM   1 comments
      Outland Bound
      Wednesday, September 17, 2008
      I had relatively no trouble gettin Ki'Leana to 58 last night. I did many quests in the Western Plaguelands. A bunch of them I hadn't planned on. Then I did some in the Eastern Plaguelands. (The "Sister Pamela" one always chokes me up a bit. It's so sad.)

      I was finishing up a quest near Hope's Chapel when Ki leveled to 58. It was one of those annoying quests where the mobs you need to kill are rare but the others you don't need anything from are abundant. I just had 4 of the 15 I needed but I had to fight so many useless ones that I filled 3.5 xp bars and Ki'Leana leveled. lol

      As soon as she leveled I hearthed outta there. I made my way to the Dark Portal and did all those "go check in with this general and this commander to get ready for Outland" quests. Then once I was in the Horde home of Thrallmar and saw that I did have a lot of quests available, I abandoned every quest in Ki'Leana's log. Now She is focused on just Outland and leveling.

      So in exactly 2 months of part time play (17/July to 17/Sep.) I have made a Priest and leveled her to 58. She is now getting set to start the Outland quests and race to 70. Not bad for someone who has such a short attention span with most things in life. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:25 AM   0 comments
      Ki'Leana At 57
      Tuesday, September 16, 2008
      I heard the WoW Expansion is coming on November 11th. That will be fun to get into. 10 new levels, a new character that starts at 50, more cool quests. I'm looking forward to it.

      I now have a deadline for my higher level girls. I want to have Ki'Leana at 70 when the expansion comes out. I also want Sairalinde at 70. Those are my main goals until November. Should I make it early I will work on getting my mid-level girls to 60. Jaelle, Merenwen and Granuaile should be able to be 60 in a short time. It's easy to get to 60. Getting to 70 is hard. Getting to 80 will probably be hard too. Pallanen will figure all that 70-80 stuff out for the other girls. Naturally Pally will be my first level 80. She always leads the way. :)

      Ki'Leana is now 57. I spent time in The Western Plaugelands last night. The first quest I did was called Scarlet Diversions (I think so anyway). I had to find the Scarlet Crusades Command Tent and burn it. Then I needed to put up a Scourge Banner to make it look like the Scourge was messing with them. It sounded easy. I should have known better.

      I found the tent easily enough. But surrounding it were many mobs. Many many mobs. One little tent with about 10-12 guys guarding it is a little extreme (I think). lol There were several Hunters with pets, several Medics and Mages. I went ahead and started pulling mobs one at a time. Luckily you can pull just one for the most part there. I didn't have trouble with the casters. They went down fast. The Medics kept healing themselves so I started them out by burning all their mana. They aren't very good at melee so they went down easy too. The problems started when I pulled the first Hunter.

      You see, Hunters don't really pull. You aggro them and they hit you from afar. Their pet rushes you and the worst part is that when a patrolling mob noticed the Hunter is fighting, they join in. If a Medic joined in they would keep healing the Hunter or their pet. I had a really hard time with those darn Hunters and all the aggro they brought from the others at that tent. It really sucked when I attacked a Hunter and another Hunter aggroed with it. Then it was 4 against one. Not good odds.

      After wiping the first time I decided to see if I could just clear one side of the tent side and burn it. I did clear one side but as soon as I burned the tent a bunch of stuff attacked me. I threw on Ki's shield and tried to plant the banner and run but I couldn't. The game won't let you plant the banner when you are in combat. I was hoping it would be like planting the banner on the Emissary of Hate in Qel'Danas. But it wasn't. So I wiped again.

      The 3rd time was the charm. I managed to pull all the Hunters first and kill them. That took a lot of time. Mobs respawned but thankfully they were casters. So I methodically killed each one again as they came back. Eventually I had the tent area cleared enough to burn it and plant that darn banner. Then I ran away as fast as I could. lol

      Next I headed to some tower where a sacred relic of The Lightbringer was being held. Some Blood Elf guy with an attitude at the Bulwark wanted it. I've been in plenty of towers so I already knew to take it slow and easy. I knew it wouldn't be easy like I thought that tent was going to be. On the way to the tower I accidentally rode into this deep ravine and came across this human woman who was injured. She had a quest she wanted me to do. It was to kill more Scarlet guys so since I was headed for their tower I thought that was OK.

      On the way to the tower I came across several camps where some of the hurt woman's targets were. They were all 57-58 so it was slow going but I managed to get thru and kill some of the ones I needed. Once I got to the tower I started pulling mobs one at a time. Naturally some sneaky ones came up from behind me. But Ki managed them well. I started to go into the tower when a Warlock asked if we could do the quest together. I hadn't seen him come by. I accepted and between the two of us killing the remaining mobs in the tower was easy.

      It turned out that he was also doing the hurt woman's quest too so we went together and finished that. Then we turned those quests in and got more. Both were chains. We decided we would do the next ones together to make it easier.

      The Lightbringer one was cool. The Blood Elf questgiver guy took the relic and added some bad magic to it. Then he wanted me to take it and defile the grave of the Lightbringer. (He sure did have a bad attitude about the Lightbringer guy.) The twist for this quest is that the grave is guarded by a Night Elf caster who is also PVP. Once you attack you are flagged. That was a little weird being flagged in the Plaguelands but there was no way around it. The Warlock and I killed him and completed the defiling of the grave. The Lightbringer's ghost popped up and spoke for a while. He was sad that the BE guy had sent me to do that. He told me to tell the BE that he forgave him for it. (Apparently the Blood Elf was a former pupil of the Lightbringer.)

      When I went and turned in the quest the BE guy threw a fit. He was pissed that the Lightbringer forgave him. lol Crybabies are everywhere.

      Then the Lock and I went and turned in the hurt girls quest. She gave us another one to kill a Hunter in the woods and a Paladin guy back at the tower. I helped kill the Hunter and then the Lock had to stop. So for fun I went to see where the Paladin guy was. Since he was named and a quest object I assumed I would be fighting my way back up that darn tower alone. I was wrong. It turned out that he was right at the bottom of the tower. So I pulled him and his friend and killed them. Easy peasy. :P

      When I turned that one in the hurt girl asked me to do one more thing for her. Go to a town near the tower and scout around. She said I had to go to a high place and get some good info about the Scarlet Crusad town. Then come back. It was getting late but I decided to see how bad it would be to try it. I got to the town gates and found that it was gonna be bad. There was another tower there which had to be the high place for scouting. But the entrance was not in sight and the town had lots of Crusaders in it.

      I wasn't in the mood for another long, drawn out campaign so I took the cheap way out. I buffed up, put on the shield and mounted up. I rode through all the mobs and around the back of the new tower to the entrance. There I got dismounted but the shield was holding. I was halfway up the tower and feeling good. Unfortunatley I forgot that when you are going up a tower it's not the same thing as running away from mobs. They don't quit after running a good distance because you are going up instead of away. I stopped at a landing to see where I was headed only to find 6-7 mobs still attacking me. Naturally that didn't go over well.

      After rezzing I got to the top of the tower. It was unguarded up there! Surprise! lol I looked around a bit (scouting) and then the quest was accomplished. Obviously all you have to hang around on top for a bit and the scouting for the quest is satisfied.

      Now I was out of time for the night but still had a long way back the the hurt girl questgiver. I decided I could run back thru the mobs to get away easier this time since I could aim for the town gates and jump off the tower (walking on air, of course). So I buffed up, put on the shield, aimed Ki'Leana at the gate and used the walking on air talent to float down to the ground. Ki hit the ground running and managed to get away from all the bad guys. I turned in the quest and Ki'Leana leveled right there to 57.

      All in all it was a nice evening. Tonight I'll do the cool quests in the Eastern Plaguelands. The ones I know about anyway. Like "Sister Pamela". Once Ki'Leanan hits 58 I will abandon all the quests left in her log and get started in Outland. I'm hoping to be in Outland by this evening sometime. Tomorrow at the latest. When her bar turns purple again I will play Sairalinde. I will alternate between the 2 until they both are 70. Thats the plan for the immediate future.

      But of course, knowing me, I will get bored and divert attention back to Pallanen every now and then. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:26 AM   0 comments
      Another Guild Taken Away
      Monday, September 15, 2008
      I logged on to Pallanen yesterday morning to find that she was no longer a member of The Last Standing. I was stunned to say the least. Pally hasn't been raiding as much as she once did but I still didn't think booting her from the Guild was too cool. A bit later a guild friend logged on and we chatted a bit about it. She said the officers of the Guild decided to boot a lot of players. They decided to just keep their core group of players they had gotten comfortable playing with and no one else. She said it wasn't personal.


      I didn't take it too personal, but it was hard. I had a feeling something like this was coming anyway. The Guild went through some big changes lately and most of the time the messages posted were about not pissing off the GM. My guess is the GM was getting annoyed with how things were going.

      Later one of the officers sent me a message saying the Guild was being disbanded. Disbanded is different than picking out friends and booting everyone else. Seems to me there is still some confusion between the remaining members there. No matter, either way it is disbanding or it's shrinking down to the select few they want to keep and Pallanen isn't included.

      So lesson learned again. Pallanen has been in two really great Guilds. The first one the GM there screwed it up big time. Then the remnants of that Guild merged with TLS (at their continued insistance) only to have a nice "boot you out" session a few months later. The lesson is simple; don't trust anyone else. It's the same way in life. No one will take better care of you than you. I added Pallanen and Granuaile to my own Guild and thats where they can stay. Now all of my girls and Lisa's girls don't have to worry with fickle people who can't seem to remember that WoW is a game. Silly really the way some GM's and officers get caught up in game stresses and politics of a Guild. It's just a game for crying out loud. lol

      I'll miss the Guild chatter. I'll miss Graz and Blue and Ki. I'll miss the way Boom ran raids since he didn't like standing around forever between fights (and neither do I). Otherwise, I feel a little more freedom now. No more little Guildies begging for gear and gold. No more worrying that someone will be offended if I don't feel like raiding or helping with quests. Now it's just me and my girls and the time to do whatever we feel like.

      But after all is said and done, the truth is I will really miss TLS. :(
      posted by Jen @ 7:45 AM   0 comments
      Ki'Leana is 56
      Friday, September 12, 2008
      Ki'Leana made it to 56 on Wednesday. It was a bit of a struggle but we managed it. A struggle for 2 reasons. First because I was very sick Monday thru Wednesday. I was off Tuesday and Wednesday and once I felt a little more human Tuesday afternoon I logged on. I had all day Wednesday to play too so even though I felt awful I had a diversion.

      The other reason I said it was a struggle was because it was mainly done in Un'Goro Crater. I really don't like that place. It's a very hard area to survive. But I did do all the quests in those 2 days. Some were pretty fun to do. Others were a bother.

      The grinding quests in Un'Goro aren't too bad. I've learned to conserve Ki'Leana's mana well. I try to use her Wand as much as possible when I'm in an area full of mobs. Dots and quick blasts and then the wand. It works well even if it's a bit slow. The one quest that was hard was the "Super Sticky" one. Thats where you have to kill the elementals hanging around the tar pits for their tar drops. When Ki started that they were 1-2 levels higher than her. She can take 2 of them at a time (even though I try to avoid multiples) but if some other thing came by she would be in trouble. The real problem with that quest is that the drop rate sucks and a lot of other mobs pop up and attack.

      Actually I did all the Un'Goro quests except the one where Ki was supposed to go down into the bug tunnels and kill their Queen. She needed to take the Queen's brain back to Gadgetzan. I tried that darn quest 3 times and nearly pulled it off only to fail. That quest is not easy to solo as a cloth wearer. Getting down to the Queen's lair isn't hard. Clearing the room isn't hard. But after that things get bad.

      Once you put the stuff on the gem to summon the Queen bug 2 or 3 mobs jump you. (It was 2 once and 3 twice for Ki'Leana.) I managed to kill them and then sit and ate/drank stuff to get healthy again. Then I looked into the room and there were 2 more guard bugs on the right and 3 more on the left. And this isn't a group quest???

      The first time I tried to just pull the 2 bugs on the right but that doesn't work. They all came even though they aren't close together. I rezzed and came back and decided to sheild and kill the Queen only. I hoped I could do it before they got me. That almost worked. I had her down to about 1/4 life when my mana ran out. Once I rezzed and came back the queen was gone. She only sticks around for a short while.

      I tried the "Queen only" thing 2 more times and got sooooo close to killing her but never made it. Then I gave up. I was sick of trying. Keep in mind you have to return to Gadgetzan if you fail the quest to get more stuff to summon her. You have to abandon the quest and then accept it again. I was tired of that. So I decided to go to Winterspring for a change of scenery. :)

      Winterspring was a refreshing change. I like it there. I did a lot of quests there. I even managed to do the one where you go to the ice giants place and get their crystals. I couldn't kill them since they are all 60ish elites but I managed to elude them (most of the time) and grab crystals. That was a red group quest but Ki did it. :)

      Then I did the string of quests where the little Gnome girl builds a mechanical Yeti and asks you to take it to scare her friends. That was hilarious! It was great turning that little Yeti guy loose and watching it chase her friends around. It was a lot of travelling to scare the 3 friends but it was worth the trip. If you want a good laugh, do that string. Plus the XP was huge and the reward is a Yeti you can summon as a pet. (Only 3 times but still....)

      So Ki'Leana is 56 now. Soon to be in Outland. I can't decide where to take her for her last 2 levels before going to Outland. I have a bunch of quests in the Western Plaguelands and some in the Eastern. Maybe there. I will do the "Sister Pamela" quest. I like that one. It's so sad. It always chokes me up a little. But for a few days Ki'Leana is taking a break. She has earned it.

      Last night I felt like doing something a little different so I got back to Kul Tiras and logged onto Rubacuori. I checked out her quest log and found she had almost none. lol So I went to the Sepu???? (I can't remember how to spell it :P) and turned in a quest there. Then I looked for more but they were all gray for her so I headed into Tarren Mill. I got a lot of quests there. I even remembered where Ravenholdt Manor was and did the Rogue quest.

      Running around with Rubacuori was a sweet change of pace. She kills things in no time. Very fast. Plus the Rogue has the coolest tricks to use like steathing behind something and Ambushing. Most times a successful ambush removes half the enemies health right away. I was killing bears and other mobs 3 levels higher than Rubacuori without even trying hard. It was fun.

      So Rubacuori leveled twice last night. Then her XP bar turned purple. That was sad. I really like playing a Rogue. Maybe this weekend I'll take Jaelle out again for some fun.

      Soon I'll be back to Ki'Leana, once her bar turns blue again. I'm looking forward to her being 70, but I'm not looking forward to the trip from 60 to 70. I think that will be a slow go. It's hard enough for other classes. The Priest is cool but a slow leveler. Now don't get me wrong. I like the Priest a lot. But playing the other classes is a lot easier (in my experience). Easier in that they wipe things out faster. That gives you enough escape time on long quests to avoid the respawns and all. I don't think I'll level another Priest any time soon though. It's like work sometimes. Makes me a little sad for Eville. But who knows? Time will tell.
      posted by Jen @ 7:12 AM   0 comments
      Visiting With Pallanen
      Wednesday, September 3, 2008
      I've been spending a lot of time with Pallanen again lately. This past weekend she and I got nicely reaquainted. I have missed her and I felt like taking her out and killing stuff. Playing a Priest is fun but there is just no substitute for having a sweet, innocent, bad-ass Warrior girl to take your aggressions out on naughty mobs in WoW. :P Comparitively, there is no comparison. Pallanen is a serious killer. Ki'Leana is not the kind to get her hands dirty in a fight. Sometimes I just need my dirty hands fix.

      It all started after Ki'Leana turned 50 on Saturday evening. When I logged on Sunday I decided she needed a break. Her rest bonus was gone again so I took her home to Silvermoon and straightened her bags/bank out, put her extras on the AH, grabbed her a nice bottle of wine and put her to bed. lol Then I thought Bloodrainne could use some time outdoors so I took her to the Ghostlands. She had one quest there but there were many available so I just grabbed them all.

      Playing the Mage was quite different than the Priest. It took me a few fights to get back into the hang of it. I kept looking for Rainne's non-existant shield and healing skills. Oops! Then I remembered how she can freeze things in place and how she totally wipes up bad guys so fast. Winning a fight with a Mage is all about the heavy DPS. What would have taken Ki'Leana a minute to kill (at that level) takes Bloodrainne a few seconds. In about 1/2 a day Bloodrainne rose from 14 to 18. It was pretty easy to level her. Then her rest bonus ran out so I took her home to Silvermoon and put her to sleep for a while. (She likes her wine before bed too btw. :) )

      So I got to log on to Pallanen. I started doing dailies and making armor for Lisa's little Paladin. Her little Paladin was so under-geared. She is 32 and still wearing the stuff Pallanen made for her when she was 24. lol But we hooked her up nicely. I also spent quite a bit of time helping my favorite Guildie with her 62 Hunter. That was fun. We did several quests and Pally helped her level her Mining skills a bit. When I play Pallanen I find that I really miss my Guild friends.

      When I did the dailies I remembered how much I really love playing the Warrior. Charging in and attacking monsters hand to hand is a rush. Pally's skills are so good that watching her fight is a treat. Having played lower levels for a month made me forget the speed at which a 70 can move and attack and kill. I got a little sad when the dailies were done so I kept running around killing the bad blood elves in Qel'Danas. Pally can pull 4 Blood Knights at once and wipe them easily. If there were more in the area I would have tried more than 4. I like to pull as many wretched as I can too. Sometimes I can pull 5 if I'm in the right spot and no one else is. Watching them drop 2-3 at a time is so cool.

      So Pallanen and I are reaquainted nicely again. I plan on playing her a lot more. I want Ki'Leana to get to 70 but when her rest bonus needs a recharge, Pally will be happy to fill in. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:17 AM   0 comments
      About Me

      Name: Jen
      Home: Pennsylvania, United States
      About Me: I started playing WoW after my best friend bugged me to play. I soon learned that I really liked it. Now 2 years later I still play and have 20 characters. LOL I am no gaming expert. I am no WoW expert. A lot of the terms and "how to do's" elude me still. But I love to play. All you will find here are the adventures of Pallanen and her sisters. I love them all and they really kick butt. So stay tuned and maybe we can learn stuff from each other that we never knew. xoxo
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