Adventures On Kul Tiras

The continuing adventures of my family of girls on Kul Tiras.

    Race: Night Elf
    Class: Warrior
    Level: 80
    Dual Spec.: Arms/Protection
    Realm: Kul Tiras
    Battlegroup: Vengeance
    Guild: Club de Jolie Filles
      Profession #1: Grand Master Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Master Swordsmith 450/450
      Profession #2: Mining 450/450
      Race: Night Elf
      Class: Hunter
      Level: 80
      Spec.: Beast Mastery
      Realm: Kul Tiras
      Battlegroup: Vengeance
      Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 275/375
        Profession #2: Skinning 450/450
        Race: Human
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 46
        Spec.: Combat
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Alchemy 290/300
        Profession #2: Herbalism 291/300
        Lockpicking: 215/225
        Race: Human
        Class: Mage
        Level: 50
        Spec.: Frost
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Enchanting 352/375
        Profession #2: Tailoring 350/375
        Race: Human
        Class: Death Knight
        Level: 60
        Spec.: Blood
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 316/375
        Profession #2: Engineering 100/150
        Race: Night Elf
        Class: Druid
        Level: 25
        Spec.: Feral
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 67/75
        Profession #2: Skinning 133/150
        Race: Human
        Class: Warrior
        Level: 47
        Spec.: Arms
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Blacksmith 300/300
        Profession #2: Mining 289/300
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 26
        Spec.: Subtlety
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Herbalism 111/150
        Profession #2: Alchemy 93/150
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Priest
        Level: 80
        Spec.: Shadow
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 450/450
        Profession #2: Enchanting 340/375
      Wrath of the Lich King Is Awesome!
      Tuesday, November 25, 2008
      The World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King is awesome! So far I have been so engrossed that I have spent all my spare time playing. Most of that time has been with Pallanen. Otherwise I have split time with newest girls Earlinde, a Blood Elf Death Knight and Miriel, a Human Death Knight. I absolutely love the Death Knights! They are the best thing Blizzard has introduced to the game so far. Not just because playing one is so much fun, which it is, but because the whole story line about them has been incorporated into the new realms everywhere. (I'll get more into that idea as time goes I'm sure.)

      I have been having such a great time playing my Warrior girl Pallanen again. I finished up all the Borean Tundra quests by the first Sunday afternoon, just 4 days after the expansion came out. Then her xp bar turned purple. :( Pallanen got the achievement for doing 130 Borean Tundra quests just before I logged off.

      The new area is a lot of fun to explore. The quests are cool too. Some are the same old “kill 15 of these and 10 of these” but a lot are so different that the whole feel of questing is fresh. There is a whole new feel to the game for me now.

      One of the cool things is that the Death Knights aren’t just a new class to play. They are all over Northrend as allies, foes, even Questgivers. That first Sunday night Pallanen was finishing up the last of the Borean Tundra quests and there was a Death Knight Quest giver named Thassarian. The quest line, which included several fun quests, eventually led her to the top of a tower where the quest giver met her and together they killed one of the Lich King’s henchmen, Prince Valanar. The Lich King’s image was even there for a bit talking to us. Naturally the whole exchange between the Lich King his guy all meant a lot more to me since I had leveled my Earlinde to 58, just past where she regained her own free will. So I knew what the exchange between the Lich King and Valanar was all about. But old LK didn’t stick around to fight us. Just before he left he sicked his bad guy on us but we wiped the floor with that guy. lol That’s when Pally’s xp bar turned purple (the first time). The quest was called "Last Rites". I didn't know that before I tried it (because I just keep running quests without thinking too much lol) but I had seen many people asking for groups to help do it. After Thassarian and I killed the guy I realized that we had done a 3 man with just the 2 of us. Pallanen's Merciless Gear has really helped her in the beginning stages of Northrend I guess. :P

      I can’t go into all the new experiences Pallanen has had so far. It would take a few posts for all that. But she has had fun and learned a few new things. Here she is flying a Gnomes Airplane from one flight path to another.

      .... and this is Pallanen disguised as a Murloc. She had to wear the disguise and run all the way to the bottom of a cave to kill the Murloc leader guy.

      Personally, I hate Murlocs enough that I would gladly have destroyed the entire population of the area and then killed the leader, but the quest wanted me to do it differently. lol

      The Death Knights are a huge bonus to the game. I started out playing Earlinde without any real idea of what she was. It soon became very clear that she was evil. Plain and simple, she was a very bad girl. lol It was a little creepy. I didn't realize that she would eventually earn her freedom from The Lich King and work her way toward killing him. But that first 3 levels as a true blue (black???) Death Knight under Arthas' control was creepy. But it was also some of the most fun I've had in a while. It just took a little time to get over the creepiness.

      One of the first real quests was for Earlinde to go out and kill Scarlet Crusaders. Captains and other soldiers, you know, the usual. That was OK by me since the Scarlet Crusaer is just chock full o'nuts, to be sure. Killing them is fun. But along with the soldiers she was to kill townspeople so the fear of the Scourge would be put into any survivors. That started out being a little weird but it soon grew on me. The townspeople were scared to death of Death Knights. The cool part was when you run up to a citizen they would freak out. They would scream and cower, some would run around like nuts, others would be defiant and try to punch you. The reactions were hilarious. One guy screamed when Earlinde got close (I wasn't even attacking him) and then he just stood there and said, "I think I pooped." Seriously. LOL

      Here is a pic of Miriel standing over 7 dead townspeople. She walked into the place and wiped them up without blinking.

      The best part of that early quest was standing on the hill between the town where the people we fleeing from and the city they were trying to reach. I would let one run past me and then use Death Grip to pull them back to me. They would scream, "I almost made it!" Then I would kill them like a good little Death Knight does.

      I did all the early quests with both my Death Knight girls and enjoyed every minute. The last quest where the Highlord Darion Mograine realizes how Arthas has betrayed him and the legion of Death Knights was awesome. There is a long movie type scene after the battle of Light's Hope Chapel where the Lich Knig is actually beaten and he retreats. Then the Death Knights promise to the 'normal' people they will fight to defeat Arthas. It was quite a stirring scene, I thought.

      After all that the DKs have to go back to Ebon Hold and take it from the minions the Lich King left behind. That whole fight is a really fun one too. Then comes the trip into the home city of whatever faction you belong to. For Earlinde, she had to go through the streets of Orgrimar. For Miriel, it was Stormwind. The Death Knight is required to take a letter from the Paladin guy at Light's Hope (I forget his name) to their respective leader. It says the Death Knights are now in league with them to kill the Lich King. Along the streets everyone is throwing garbage and trash at them, yelling insults and generally just getting ready to lynch your character. But after the letter is delivered, all is well and you are suddenly honored with your faction.

      Here is Miriel standing with the King of Stormwind just after he makes her free and an ally.

      Here is Earlinde standing with Thrall, the leader of the Horde after she delivers her letter and is allied with them

      This is just a cool pic of Miriel when she was 55 and brand new to the world :P

      This is Earlinde riding her first mount.

      I haven't forgotten my Priest Girl. We have been spending some quality time in Northrend too. Kileana is now 71 and having a good time exploring the new areas. This is a pic of Ki standing outside Utgard Keep.

      Here is the close up view (for what it's worth. LOL)

      Kileana got a rather dubious achievement at Utgard. She fell 65 feet without dying and the achievement popped up for her doing that. I didn't even know it was one of the achievements. Kileana did it by accident. I wasn't watching the wall closely enough and she rode right off the edge down into the path below. She survived somehow. Her health wasn't visually showing anything. But she lived and got an achievement to boot.

      Once that happened my Guildies were all asking how I managed it. I told them the truth; clutzy dumb luck. Hee hee. :)

      This post is way too long.

      Anyway, the expansion is great in my mind. It love the direction the game has taken. I do hope there are no more leveling expansions after this one. But more realms to explore is very cool. I will try and post more detailed adventures as I do them. I am so wrapped up in the explorations that I don't take time to post.

      Here is one more pic. This is Earlinde heading out in Hellfire on her first Outland quest. She has done very well there. I'll write more on that soon. :)

      posted by Jen @ 4:28 PM   0 comments
      Log On, Log Off, Log On, Log Off
      Wednesday, November 5, 2008
      Last night I was trying to do the dailies with Ki'Leana when I got booted from the server. I didn't think too much about it since on Aerie Peak that happens semi-regularly. But when I tried to log back on the message was that the world server was down.

      I thought, "OK, I'll go see what I can accomplish with Sairalinde." So I got Saira and headed out to do some quests. I managed to do a few quests when suddenly the same thing happened. I got kicked and couldn't log back on. Again with "the world server is down". Hmmmm.....

      So I tried Ki'Leana again. Aerie Peak was back up again. So I went about the business of finishing the dailies. I always save the 2 flying ones for last and when Ki was flying toward the Dead Scar for bombing the Scourge the server went down again. Now I was annoyed. I also wondered if she would still be flying when I was able to log back on.

      I tried several times to log on but I couldn't. So I went back to Kul Tiras and Sairalinde. I did quite a few more quests until that world collapsed again. I was surprised but I just accepted it and went back to Aerie Peak. When I logged on Ki'Leana was still flying in the same spot. That was funny to me for some dumb reason. lol

      So I finished the dailies and logged off Ki'Leana (intentionally this time :P) and went back to get Sairalinde. I finished up the quest she was on and then logged off for the night.

      That was an odd evening to say the least. I have never experienced anything like that with WoW. Getting bumped occasionally is just a fact of the game. Especially on a crowded realm like Aerie Peak. But to have world servers crashing repeatedly was very strange. I don't know what was happening but I sure hope it isn't something that continues on.
      posted by Jen @ 7:15 AM   0 comments
      Ki'Leana Is 70 :)
      Monday, November 3, 2008
      Ki'Leana made it to level 70 Friday evening. She leveled in Blade's Edge while finishing up the quest where you combine the bird feathers with Arrokoa (sp???) globe things and free the tree guys from being possessed. (OK, so I can't remember the quest name. lol) Hang on, I'll look it up......

      It's called "Exorcising the Trees." The actual stuff you combine "Combine the magic of a Grishnath orb, found throughout Grishnath, with a dire pinfeather from a dire raven". Yes, I was a little off there. No Arrokoas. Whatever. :P

      Anyway, when I turned that quest in Ki'Leana became my second 70 character. I immediately dumped all the quests from her log that I had been putting off, and never intend to do, and headed back home to Silvermoon for training. Then after spending a fortune on training, I put all her accumulated stuff on the AH, cleaned out her bags, upgraded her gear and enchants as best I could and headed for The Isle of Qel'Danas to do dailies.

      That was an experience. Ki does well with the dailies. But I have only ever done them with Pallanen so I had to learn a bit of restraint. Pally grabs 5-6 mobs and wipes them up. Ki'Leana can handle maybe 3-4 but that's it. The only bad area for Ki'Leana is where the demons and the Emissary of Hate are. There she had trouble with too many mobs jumping her all at once. Eventually I figured out a decent approach and now she is safe there.

      Ki'Leana does the dailies almost as fast as Pally can. She is already just a few points from being revered. I have done the dailies every day since leveling and I do the ones from Shatt that give the same reputation points (not the flying ones). I forget how long it takes to be exalted but Ki will get there fast. The advantage is that when I went there with Pallanen I had to learn it all. But I developed a pattern with Pally and now I use it with Ki'Leana and get the dailies all done in about an hour. It's much easier now. :)

      So on Friday, within just one hour of leveling to 70 the Guildies were asking me to heal an instance for them. They know Ki'Leana is still Shadow but they wanted me to heal The Arcatraz. They felt it wasn't a big deal so I went. We cleared the whole place with just 4 of us. We had a Paladin tank, a Warlock and a Mage. The Warlock made a soulstone for Ki so the 2 times she was jumped and got wiped I could rez her and keep going. I had never been there before but Ki'Leana did get some decent gear. She has quite a few blues now. She got Mana-Sphere Shoulderguards and the Lamp of Peaceful Repose to name the 2 best things. She got quite a few other things for Disenchanting too.

      Ki'Leana did really well healing the group. Keeping the Tank healthy was pretty easy. Most of Ki'Leana's heals were between 2000 and 4000. Sometimes a bit higher. I don't know if that is good or not but it kept the group alive. There were a few times when the Mage got hit hard and even once he got wiped out. But most of the time my heals were concentrated on the Tank and were good enough.

      There were 2 rooms in the Arcatraz where Ki's heals were lower. I couldn't get them above 700-800. It was annoying. To me, it seemed like there was some kind of dampening buff there or something. Those 2 places really burned her Mana down fast. If anyone knows what the deal is there, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

      Side note: I have been doing a lot of Disenchanting and most of what I get, even from level 70 stuff, is Arcane Dust. I'm assuming I'll need it eventually but right now I have tons of it and no enchants to use it for.

      Yesterday I remembered a quest that Ki got a while back to do some PVP in Battlegrounds. Then I remembered how Pallanen got some nice quests at the entrance of Alterac Valley so I took Ki'Leana to the Horde entrance. There were several quests there for her. So I did my first few trips into AV as a Priest. That was an experience! With my Warrior girl Pallanen, it's an easy thing to run Battlegrounds. With a Priest, not so much. The Warrior has many effective way to help the battlegroup. I had a hard time trying to find the niche as a Priest.

      One thing I liked a lot was guarding graveyard flags. I could see enemies coming so dotting them and slowing them down for damage was nice. But being in a crowd of enemy fighters makes for a lot of deaths for a Priest. When I am doing BGs with Pally, I take out the Healers first. Even the Shadow ones. Thats what was happening to Ki'Leana. lol She does not last long whne the Alliance focuses on her.

      I did have fun running up to flags and fearing anyone trying to capture them. That always annoyed me and now I get to do it to others. But it doesn't take long for them to recover and come back after me.

      One thing is clear to me about Battlegrounds now though; it doesn't matter which side you are on, people do not work well together. They also like to bitch and complain and call names. (I still find that odd.) The Hordies are no different than the Alliance when it comes to any of that. Plus they do the same dumb things like not guarding flags and towers.

      One time I took back the Iceblood Tower from the Alliance (solo - whee!) and kept asking for help to defend it. For 5 minutes I kept telling the group I needed help to hold it. That I was just a Priest and couldn't hold it alone. Hordes were riding by that tower the whole time and when an Alliance Hunter and Warlock came by and took it back, people started bitching. I just laughed at them all. What else can you do?

      Wow! This post got long, didn't it? lol

      So this weekend was a good one for playing WoW. I will be running dailies with Ki'Leana and then switching to Sairalinde until the expansion comes out. Then I will be leveling Pallanen to 80. I think Sairalinde will make 70 before the 13th. I played her a bit yesterday and she is just 2 bars from 65 already. I'd like her to make it asap and I think it is doable. We'll see, I guess. :)
      posted by Jen @ 7:21 AM   0 comments
      About Me

      Name: Jen
      Home: Pennsylvania, United States
      About Me: I started playing WoW after my best friend bugged me to play. I soon learned that I really liked it. Now 2 years later I still play and have 20 characters. LOL I am no gaming expert. I am no WoW expert. A lot of the terms and "how to do's" elude me still. But I love to play. All you will find here are the adventures of Pallanen and her sisters. I love them all and they really kick butt. So stay tuned and maybe we can learn stuff from each other that we never knew. xoxo
      See my complete profile
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