Adventures On Kul Tiras

The continuing adventures of my family of girls on Kul Tiras.

    Race: Night Elf
    Class: Warrior
    Level: 80
    Dual Spec.: Arms/Protection
    Realm: Kul Tiras
    Battlegroup: Vengeance
    Guild: Club de Jolie Filles
      Profession #1: Grand Master Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Master Swordsmith 450/450
      Profession #2: Mining 450/450
      Race: Night Elf
      Class: Hunter
      Level: 80
      Spec.: Beast Mastery
      Realm: Kul Tiras
      Battlegroup: Vengeance
      Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 275/375
        Profession #2: Skinning 450/450
        Race: Human
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 46
        Spec.: Combat
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Alchemy 290/300
        Profession #2: Herbalism 291/300
        Lockpicking: 215/225
        Race: Human
        Class: Mage
        Level: 50
        Spec.: Frost
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Enchanting 352/375
        Profession #2: Tailoring 350/375
        Race: Human
        Class: Death Knight
        Level: 60
        Spec.: Blood
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 316/375
        Profession #2: Engineering 100/150
        Race: Night Elf
        Class: Druid
        Level: 25
        Spec.: Feral
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Leatherworking 67/75
        Profession #2: Skinning 133/150
        Race: Human
        Class: Warrior
        Level: 47
        Spec.: Arms
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Jolies Filles
        Profession #1: Blacksmith 300/300
        Profession #2: Mining 289/300
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Rogue
        Level: 26
        Spec.: Subtlety
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Herbalism 111/150
        Profession #2: Alchemy 93/150
        Race: Blood Elf
        Class: Priest
        Level: 80
        Spec.: Shadow
        Realm: Kul Tiras
        Battlegroup: Vengeance
        Guild: Club de Joiles Filles
        Profession #1: Mining 450/450
        Profession #2: Enchanting 340/375
      Feeling Conflicted
      Friday, July 24, 2009
      I have been reading the notes for the upcoming patch. I have to say I feel a bit conflicted about one part of it. The fact that mounts are going to be available to level 20 toons now sort of bugs me. When I think about it my brain and my feelings don't jive on the same wavelength. LOL

      I guess having been an 'almost' original player (ie: pre BC) I kind of feel screwed by the mount nerfs. The first mount will only cost players a total of 5 gold. I remember when you couldn't get one until 40 and it cost 100 gold.

      I want a refund. lol

      Here are the notes I copied from WoW Insider:

      • Regular land mounts trainable at level 20 (was 30)
      • Epic land mounts trainable at level 40 (was 60)
      • Regular flying mounts trainable at level 60 (was 70)
      • Regular flying mounts speed increased to a 150% gain (was 60%)

      Apprentice Riding (Skill 75)
      • 60% land mount speed
      • Requires level 20
      • Cost: 4 gold
      • Mount cost: 1 gold
      • Mail will be sent to players at level 20 guiding them to the riding trainer

      Journeyman Riding (Skill 150)
      • 100% land mount speed
      • Requires level 40
      • Cost: 50 gold
      • Mount cost: 10 gold
      • Mail will be sent to players at level 40 guiding them back to the riding trainer

      Expert Riding (Skill 225)
      • 150% flying mount speed; 60% land mount speed
      • Requires level 60
      • Cost: 600 gold (faction discounts now apply)
      • Mount Cost: 50 gold
      • Can now be learned in Honor Hold (Alliance) or Thrallmar (Horde)

      Artisan Riding (Skill 300)
      • 280% flying mount speed; 100% land mount speed
      • Requires level 70
      • Cost: 5,000 gold (faction discounts now apply)
      • Mount Cost: 100 gold

      Updated note: Cold Weather Flying will remain unchanged.

      OK, I get it. I'm not dumb. Blizz is making it easier to level to 80. I believe it's because they are going to add expansions to 90 and then to 100 in the future. It makes sense to me. But somehow I feel like the game is getting too easy. It wasn't so easy when I first started. Now (almost) all the elites outside instances are gone. Travel will be a breeze. Mount training costs are going way down. New players sure have it easy. But is that a good idea?

      I ask that because I have been playing several new toons under the current conditions and leveling feels way less fulfilling to me. Soon it will be even easier to level. Leveling these days is kind of like just going through the motions until you get to high levels and can run in Raid groups.

      I have noticed that getting a group together for lower level instances almost never happens anymore. High levels are running people through all those constantly. I have done it for friends. I don't think it is a bad thing. I really don't mind that kind of thing for people who have already done the instance properly in a level appropriate group. That makes you better with your chosen character which helps when you are in groups at the max level. But I believe it is now rare for those types of groups to form and run low level instances. I find that sad.

      But on the other hand, I like being able to travel between quests faster. That was one thing I didn't like about the game. All the running around that took forever was annoying. That will be much better with the newest patch. I also love exploring new areas and doing the accomplishments. Those are cool.

      So what am I complaining about then?

      I wish I knew. :P

      I guess I feel like some of us have had to earn our way to level 60 then 70 then 80. New players have been gifted with an easier game. I feel like newer players may not appreciate it as much. In the end, an easy game is a boring game and maybe Blizz is making a mistake. People get bored when things are too easy you know. Then they leave it behind for something new.

      Speaking for myself, I have stuck with WoW for so long because it once gave me a feeling of accomplishment. Leveling the new girls doesn't give me that feeling. The game was once a challenge. Now it is much less of a challenge. I wonder how many other 'old-timers' feel that way?
      posted by Jen @ 7:02 AM   0 comments
      Something Strange Happenend Yesterday............
      Thursday, July 16, 2009
      Something strange happened to me yesterday. It sort of took me by surprise. I had some extra time on my hands so I logged on to WoW, not really sure what I was going to do. After logging onto and logging off of several of my girls (and incidentally all 3 realms I have girls on) I started doing quests with my Human Death Knight Miriel. That's when it happened..... I was having fun.

      It has been a while since I had fun playing WoW. It's summertime and I have a lot of distractions these days. Usually when I have time to log on I find that I am bored and just don't have any interest in playing. But last night was different. I had a great time with Miriel.

      Miriel is still in Hellfire. I have done little with her. I may be the only person playing WoW that still has level 58-60 Death Knights made within days of the WOTLK release. lol I made all mine as soon as I could but none are leveled past 60.

      Until Miriel. She easily made it to 61 in a very short time.

      My boredom made me not bored anymore. Yes, that sounds goofy but let me explain. Because I was bored at the start I started trying to see just how many mobs Miriel could pull and still survive. She had the early quests for killing Hellboars and the buzzards so I started out by running her around the area and drawing in as many boars as I could. Miriel pulled 4 boars the first time. I used her Death and Decay talent to inflict damage while using all her special damage abilities directly on the ugly pigs. To my surprise Miriel killed all 4 boars and had full health afterward.

      That made me curious.

      So I pulled 5 boars and one of those worm things (teh worm thing pull was an accident) at the same time. Again Miriel killed them all. She lost a bit of health but she was never in danger. Hmmmm......

      Needless to say I proceeded to take Miriel into battle situations with impossible odds. But she killed everything she came into contact with. She only got into trouble one time and that was inside Zeth'Gor. I pulled a bunch of uglies there and didn't notice that I also had pulled 2 casters in the crowd. Once I saw it I targeted them and then went back to the others. Her health went waaay down that time but still she won.

      So I learned 2 things last night; that playing a Death Knight is pretty fun and that playing WoW is a wintertime thing. For me, it is a wintertime thing (mostly) because there isn't anything else to do anyway.

      But I am looking forward to leveling Miriel a lot more now. :)


      posted by Jen @ 7:07 AM   0 comments
      Leatherworking The Hard Way
      Thursday, June 25, 2009
      Sairalinde made it to level 80 a week ago Friday. Since then I have been running all over the WoW world trying to get her Leatherworking up to a decent level. Being level 80 and having a profession at level 250ish is just wrong. But there is something else people should know about this...... trying to backtrack and get all the LW stuff done isn't quite as easy as it would seem.

      As a matter of fact, it is darn difficult.

      Saira has been a 450 Skinner for a while now. So that means that her bank is stuffed full of Boren Leather and scraps. But as for the lower level stuff, she has had to go out and grind for the mats. She was at the Thick Leather level when I began. She had none of that. Next was the Rugged Leather which she had none of. I was going to just buy the mats on the AH to level but the prices have gotten so out of hand that there was no way I could. Sairalinde still isn't even close to being able to afford to fly so there is no way I will spend gold on LW mats.

      That left me with no other recourse but to go out and kill things for mats.

      Some of the grinding has been fun. I have been wiping out the Mazthoril Cave in Winterspring over and over for Rugged Leather. The Dragonkin there are all elites but Saira (obviously) kills them fast. They drop some good stuff too. Sometimes she gets blue dragonscales which are pretty valuable these days. Sometimes she gets nice blue weapon drops.

      She also keeps getting this one Tailoring pattern that is BOP. It is for a pretty nice cloth robe but being BOP it is useless to her. Sairalinde has gotten it 6-7 times in that cave. Too bad she can't give it to Merenwen. Mer would appreciate it. :)

      Along the way trying to backtrack and get her LW skills leveled Sairalinde found a Hunter Quest she had never completed. It was to go into the Sunken Temple and kill Morphaz. So I researched the quest and found that the Dragonkin in ST also dropped Rugged Leather. It was a no-brainer to do that quest, do some skinning and get the achievement for Sunken Temple. Sairaline accomplished all that pretty easily.

      So now Sairalinde is a 330 Leatherworker. She needs 20 more levels to get to the high level stuff she has stashed in her bank. Unfortunately there are no easy patterns for the 330-350 levels. Most involve one color dragonscale or another along with primals. Some require fel cloth also. None of these things does Saira have. Pallanen had some but they are already used up. And those darn black dragonscales have the worst drop rate ever! Sheesh. I must have killed everything in the Burning Steppes twice for 2 black dragonscales. Thottbot warns that the drop rate sucks but that is ridiculous.

      So I am taking a few days off the mats grinding just for peace of mind. Soon I'll get back to it and get Sairalinde leveled up. Otherwise I have been working the quests with Granuaile and Eville just for variety. But soon Saira will have the best of what she can make and things will be OK.

      Until they make another expansion and everything goes askew again. :P


      posted by Jen @ 7:36 AM   0 comments
      Sairalinde Is Getting Close
      Monday, June 15, 2009
      I have been trying to get Sairalinde to level 80 lately. It's been fun to play her a lot. I've mentioned before how I am always pleasantly surprised that when I play Saira how much I like her. It makes a person wonder why she still isn't 80, huh? lol

      A few weeks ago I decided that Sairalinde would be my new main. I really wanted her to be maxed out and then I plan on maxing out her Leatherworking. Having her as high as she is and still having her skill in LW stuck below 300 is sad.

      I started off having Sairalinde do all the Borean Tundra quests. She did them all (except the instance ones of course lol) and got that achievement. Then I had her finish up all the Howling Fjord quests and get that achievement (again, minus the instance quests). Next Sairalinde completed everything in Dragonblight and the Grizzly Hills, got those achievements and moved on to Zul'Drak. That's where she is working now, 7 bars from level 79.

      Questing with a Hunter has been fun. Having a partner to help with everything almost seems like cheating. Elendil (her cat) is a toughie and is very hard to hurt. He deals a lot of damage too so wiping out bad guys (and bad things lol) isn't too hard. Sometimes even if they are elites. I expect to have Sairalinde to level 80 by the end of next week. Hopefully. Then I have to backtrack and find out how to get the quests and all that to level her Leatherworking. That might be a pain.

      Then comes the next in line to level 80. I am tempted to level Miriel next. Only because a Death Knight is a lot of fun. But my feelings are that Merenwen will be the next one. I want her to be able to port anywhere. I also want her Enchanting maxed out. Now that I can send enchants via scrolls to any of my girls Enchanting has become an even better profession.

      Otherwise I have been doing some fun stuff with Pallanen. Pally did do a lot of the Hellfire stuff she had never completed. Even Ramparts. I was planning on doing Ramps solo when I saw a group needed a DPS so I asked if I could go along. They were all low 60's and were glad to have Pally along. We did it fairly easily and then I ran the Warrior in the group through again just for fun.

      Pallanen also completed the instance just outside of Star's Rest (whatever it is called). The one with all the bugs in it. Last night she went through the War Quarter of Naxx and got the achievement on Heroic mode for that, snagging a nice belt along the way.

      So my big girls have been busy. I will keep Raiding Naxx in between leveling Sairalinde. Life in WoW has been pretty OK for me and my girls lately. :)


      posted by Jen @ 7:49 AM   0 comments
      Pallanen And The New Patch
      Tuesday, April 21, 2009
      I was away for a few days last week and when I logged on Thursday evening I saw that the new patch had finally arrived. As always, I read all the notes as it was downloading. There were a lot of notes this time. Naturally I went straight to the Warrior notes since Pallanen is still my first and most favorite girl to see what was happening there. :)

      As I downloaded the patch and read the Warrior stuff I was once again disappointed. They just keep nerfing Warrior talents. Pally was a Fury Warrior and I liked it a lot. The new changes made me rethink that. I think Blizz Hates Warriors. For real, I am getting that impression. But that is the subject for another post. (I tried to write it all on this post and it became quite a long one. Let’s just say that I’ll get back to that subject later.)


      I saw that we had to do a complete respect since the patch undid all of our points. As I was adding Pallanen’s talent points back to the Fury tree (against my instincts) I was also chatting with an old WoW friend. She and I were comparing thoughts on the new talents and all that stuff. Naturally me being me, I couldn’t chat and respect at the same time so I made a mistake and added points in a place I didn’t want to add them. Duh! So off I rode to the Warrior Trainers in Stormwind to pay for a reset.

      Get that? I had to pay anyway even though the respec was a freebie. lol

      As I was looking over what specs I wanted to try this time around another Warrior came in and this big achievement thingy popped up. It said he had achieved Dual Spec (or something like that). Then I realized that I had forgotten about the dual spec now available. So I checked it out. 1000 Gold for the dual spec! WoW! :P

      But then I started thinking that it would be very cool to be able to Tank and DPS in the same Raid or even just to switch for fun, so I spent the 1000 gold (leaving Pally broke again) and began to look over the Talents one more time. I was more cautious this time since the Fury warrior was now being dumped on by Blizz. Then it hit me, I had been wanting to try out the Bladestorm talent for a while and now was my chance. So I specced Pallanen Arms for her primary and Protection for her secondary.

      There are some cool talents in the Arms tree since Pallanen had used it looong ago it. The ability to use Charge while in combat, the bonus damage (armor penetration I believe) while in Battle Stance, being able to use Execute a lot and of course Bladestorm. I’ve been wanting to try out Bladestorm since it first showed up. Now was my chance.

      So then I took Pallanen to Sholazar Basin. I was tired of wondering what cool items she would get once her Blacksmithing was maxed so I decided to go for it and max out her main Profession. It would be tough since she was still only at 405/450 but I wanted to get it done plus try out the new spec. Sholazar is the best place for Saronite Ore plus I expected that I could find some good fights with nasty Scourge there on The Avalanche, so that was my choice.

      For the next few days, over the weekend, I was working the nodes in Sholazar and helping my friends do quests. The first thing I found out was that Pallanen’s DPS suffered a huge setback using the Arms tree. It was not pleasant the amount of time it took to kill things. But of course her gear wasn’t the best so I decided to hang with it until she could make (or find) better gear. The better gear didn’t take long.

      By Saturday afternoon Pallanen was at 440 Blacksmithing and wearing decent gear. Not great but better than she had. Her DPS was up and got even better when I made sockets for her wrists, hands and belt. Her Crit got back to an almost decent level, not quite what it was with the (original) Fury spec, and she was holding her own with 3-4 mobs again.

      The Bladestorm talent is addicting. I found myself jumping into areas where I knew she would have several mobs to kill just so I could watch Pally swirl and down them. It was a lot of fun just to do that. :)

      So by Sunday afternoon Pallanen was a 450/450 Blacksmith. Her gear still isn't the best but she has been hording her Titansteel so that she can make some of the nice purple armor for herself. I may have to sell some first since she now has no money. I'm not sure how I'll handle that yet but we'll see.

      It was nice finally getting to 450 Blacksmithing. But there is one thing that really bothered me about about it too. There are no real special items that Pally can make to help her out at level 80. Yes, there are a couple of Titansteel items that are good. But the epics ipeople get in instances are better. They also cost a lot to make. Not as much as before WotLK came out and those last few levels in BC but still.

      Worse than all that stuff is the lack of anything decent for a Master Swordsmith to make. It takes a lot of work to get that fancy title and get maxed out on the profession but there are some green items for sale on the AH that are better than the highest level Swordsmith items Pallanen can make. Basically it's a big waste of time. I was very disappointed to find that out.

      Anyway, last night I got the chance to try out Pallanen's new talents in the worst case I could think of. One on one with a Death Knight her level. I was in Nagrand with Pallanen helping a friend quest when I saw someone asking for help at Halaa. I love taking Halaa from the Horde so I flew over to see what was up. It turned out that there was an 80 Gnome Rogue trying to take Halaa and an 80 Tauran Death Knight along with an 80 Tauran Druid were defending. I knew right away that unless we had more help there was no way just the 2 of us were taking Halaa. But I also wanted to see how Pallanen would fare against the Horde.

      Call me crazy but I also wanted to see how good a DK was in PVP. I know Warriors have been nerfed so badly that doing PVP is a waste of time with them now, but I had the itch to see what a DK could do. So I did what any crazy Warrior player would do. I sat stealthed near one of the nodes where you grab bombs and waited. I knew the Horde would come and try to knock them out. It didn't take long either.

      The Death Knight came to the one I was guarding all by himself. I didn't give him a chance to detect Pally. I Charged him right away and let him have it! It was a fast and furious fight for Pallanen initially. She jumed on him, zapped him with Hamstring so her couldn't get away, hit him with Bladestorm and Execute since it now is available almost all the time. Pally was doing well. But it didn't last. The DK was Plague specced and all the damage I did was useless. He hit Pallanen with all kinds of nasty stuff and made it so she couldn't move easily and ended up finishing her off rather easily. In the end the DK had 3/4 health still and Pally was at the Graveyard.

      I guess that answered that question didn't it? I'd like to think that the initial attack Pally made would have seriously hurt another class but in the end, a Death Knight is way to overpowered for any normal class to fight. They have to be a bitch in Arenas. lol

      EDIT* For whatever reason my blog isn't publishing. This was in Drafts. Others are also in draft. I'll try and get them all published asap.
      posted by Jen @ 8:09 AM   1 comments
      Template Pains
      Tuesday, April 14, 2009
      For the past week or so I have been playing around with new blog templates. I don’t know if anyone stopping by has noticed any of them. But as you can now see I am back to my original. I just can’t seem to find one that suits me (and I’m not really very picky). The ones I have found are nice. Some have good designs. But none is exactly what I am looking for.

      And why do they all have black backgrounds?

      So I came back to this template so I could update and be at least a bit satisfied. I did notice one thing that made me change this one a bit. When I worked from home on the blog the cool Guild Sigs I had for each girl on the sidebar made the sizing of the rest of the blog all wacky. It looks normal from work but at home it made the posting area about 1.5 inches wide. It looked completely stupid. Made me wonder how many people have stopped by and thought “What a dorky blog!” I would have. LOL

      So that is fixed now. I like those sigs but they disrupt the layout so bye bye!

      In between playing with the blog I have been playing the game too. Honest. :P I have leveled Elenai to 66 now (almost 67), I have leveled Granuaile to 47 and her Blacksmithing to 300. I can’t get her above 300 BS until I get her to level 50 so....... that may be a little bit.

      I have been playing Ki’Leana also. Her Guildies have been asking me to Raid with them again so I have been working on getting her some decent gear. I also switched her back to Shadow. I really prefer it to Holy. I kind of left Ki’Leana in a bit of a bind. She has crap gear and no money. But it’s not a big deal on that realm. She is the Matriarch of that clan of girls but it’s just not the same with Hordes. I don’t like the Horde much so I won’t be leveling any more. I will level the Death Knight Earlinde but none of the others. I probably will delete them all except Rubacuori. (WTF was I thinking making a Horde Mage anyway? lol)

      Something I noticed while playing my “little Warrior” Granuaile is that leveling a Warrior isn’t so easy. She is specced Arms and it sure does take some time to kill things. I had forgotten how much the casters hurt a little Warrior like Gran. I have had to think back to when Pallanen was that little and remember how I managed with her. I may have to switch Granuaile to Fury to level. But I have been looking over the Protection Talent Tree and some of the new stuff (new since I looked at it looong ago) is kind of cool. I may try that out just for fun but I expect that Granuaile will end up Fury at some point.

      So I will continue to try and find a cool template for this blog. Don’t be surprised if it goes through a few more changes before I’m settled again. It is fun to play with new looks and all that anyway. I expect soon that I will find one and then everything will be normal here again...... for however long ‘normal’ lasts with me and my tiny little attention span. :P
      posted by Jen @ 8:30 AM   0 comments
      Playing With Templates
      Thursday, April 9, 2009
      I'm playing around with some new templates. Got tired of the original. Bear with me for a bit..................

      posted by Jen @ 4:46 PM   1 comments
      About Me

      Name: Jen
      Home: Pennsylvania, United States
      About Me: I started playing WoW after my best friend bugged me to play. I soon learned that I really liked it. Now 2 years later I still play and have 20 characters. LOL I am no gaming expert. I am no WoW expert. A lot of the terms and "how to do's" elude me still. But I love to play. All you will find here are the adventures of Pallanen and her sisters. I love them all and they really kick butt. So stay tuned and maybe we can learn stuff from each other that we never knew. xoxo
      See my complete profile
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