Alliance |
Pallanen |
Dual Spec.: Arms/Protection Guild: Club de Jolie Filles Profession #1: Grand Master Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Master Swordsmith 450/450 Profession #2: Mining 450/450
Sairalinde |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Leatherworking 275/375 Profession #2: Skinning 450/450
Jaelle |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Alchemy 290/300 Profession #2: Herbalism 291/300
Merenwen |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Enchanting 352/375 Profession #2: Tailoring 350/375
Miriel |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Mining 316/375 Profession #2: Engineering 100/150
Earanel |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Leatherworking 67/75 Profession #2: Skinning 133/150
Granuaile |
Guild: Club de Jolies Filles Profession #1: Blacksmith 300/300 Profession #2: Mining 289/300
Horde |
Rubacuori |
Guild: Club de Joiles Filles Profession #1: Herbalism 111/150 Profession #2: Alchemy 93/150
Ki'Leanna |
Guild: Club de Joiles Filles Profession #1: Mining 450/450 Profession #2: Enchanting 340/375
Merenwen The Mage |
Monday, March 30, 2009 |
I haven't spoken of nor played Merenwen for some time. It's kinda funny how you forget just how much you like a character once you finally give them some attention. That's what happened to me once I let Elenai rest. I went to Kul Tiras and remembered that I needed Merenwen to be level 50 so she could once again level Enchanting and Tailoring. Her skills were maxed at 300 but she could not go higher until she became level 50. So last week I did just that.
Merenwen was 46 when I started. She is now 50. Most of the questing I did with her was in Tanaris but I did start out in Stranglethorn first since she never finished the last of those quests. One of the quests she had yet to finish was the Big Game Hunter quest. That had a kind of funny element to it. I got to where King Bangalesh was just in time to see a Tauran Warrior kill him. So I stayed where I was to wait for his respawn. Since I expected him to respawn over on the other side of that little hill where he had been killed I just kind of settled in and chatted with some friends on general chat. But of course I had miscalculated. That darn tiger respawned behind poor Merenwen. Before I knew what was going on he and one of his orange tiger friends were attacking her from behind. Once they attacked and I realized what had happened I froze them in place and blinked away quickly to turn and fight. But when I jumped ahead to turn and fight I jumped right onto a stealthed Panther and when he got mad at Merenwen for jumping on him another orange tiger showed up pissed off at her too. lol It just wasn't a good fight for Merenwen.
But once she was rezzed and healthy I took the fight to the King on Merenwen's terms. It was surprisingly easy to kill a 45 Elite cat solo, but Merenwen did it with no trouble. She killed his little friends too without any real trouble at all. I am getting used to the Frost spec now. :)
Anyhow, Merenwen finished the STV quests and headed to Tanaris. There is where I got lots of practice as a Frost mage. I started Merenwen in the desert doing the Wastewander quests. I would run around and gather 3-4 bad guys, freeze them in place and then blink, turn and rain ice on their heads until they died. Most of the time it worked well. Sometimes I would miss one of them and they didn't stay frozen. That caused problems. lol
I did the same routine in the Pirate area, killing those guys. It took no time at all to complete the area using those tactics. The ironic thing about this is that a while back I posted about how I watched a Frost Mage do the routine I described here. I was so impressed that I respecced Merenwen Frost. Now here I was getting my first real practice in the same place I had originally seen it done. :P
Next up was Zul'Farrak. I learned a hard lesson about a Mage's DPS during this trip into ZF. My friend Lisa eventually brought her Hunter over to run Merenwen through ZF since I had 6 quests there. But even though her Hunter is 71 if I would hit with Merenwen's full force the mobs would change their minds and come after her. It got annoying. Merenwen was sent to the graveyard twice because her DPS was too good. So I eventually learned what spells to stay away from and which to use. In the end, we completed the quests and got the achievement but it was a lesson learned about how to use a Mage in a group. I think it will be hard to manage Merenwen's DPS while Raiding in a group all her same level.
Once Merenwen hit 50 I gathered her mats and started working on her professions. Working on those and reorganizing all the girls banks, not just Merenwen's, took a lot of time. My girls have long since been storing stuff for each other and their banks tend to be messy. The girls who are questing a lot tend to send extra stuff to each other for safe keeping so they can keep questing. This makes for a big mess for all of them eventually. It took some time to get things straight but the end result was good. I made quite a few Neatherweave bags. I made some really cool armor (but she can't wear it yet). Most of what Merenwen made from Tailoring I put onto the AH. I also managed to raise her Enchanting level enough to Disenchant the items Pallanen had stashed for her from Northrend.
So basically it was a work type of week. Not much questing done after Thursday. Last night I had some free time so I logged on again and decided to take Merenwen on her first Mage quest in some time. Unfortunately it was in Azshara. That place is hard on any chracter. I was not looking forward to taking a cloth wearer there. But it was a Mage quest so I went.
I got there and started to ride away but when I realized the Tauran at the flight path had quests for her I went back. I know those quests well since I’ve done them a few times but I did hesitate. I am still not confident as a Mage and being a cloth wearer in Azshara is a bit scary to me. But in the end I accepted them and headed out to complete them on the way to the Archmage Xylem’s place where I was originally headed to.
The first quest was to kill ghosts in the ruins near the FP. I had a little trouble there because the one type of ghost partially resisted frost spells. But it was OK. Then I had to go a little further and kill demons. There I got into a little trouble with the caster demons. Their minions and their Shadow spells hit hard! I managed to figure out how to handle them and did the quest but it was slower than the first one.
Then I went to the Archmage. He gave Merenwen a quest to go to the Blood Elf camp and gather sparkly dust from them. I didn’t think too much about it until I got there. I saw them in the distance and dismounted. Then I ran toward them getting ready to attack when all at once they attacked me first. 3 of them that should have been way out of aggro range. That’s when I knew this wasn’t going to be fun.
I rezzed Merenwen after that first encounter and approached again with caution. Even expecting a longer aggro range I still managed to stir up 2 of the Blood Elves from (what I thought was) a very long distance. I managed to down those two but the darn casters hit hard! It’s OK for a caster to hit hard when you are the caster….. not when you are fighting against one! LOL Anyway, this quest turned out to be a huge pain. The Blood Elves in that camp hit hard, respawned fast and aggroed from a very long distance. I eventually got it done but Merenwen had 3 trips to the graveyard before I got into a good rhythm. So I headed back to turn in the quest thinking it had been a pain in the butt but feeling good because now it was over. :)
Then the Archmage guy gave her another quest to go into the Ruins of Eldarath to kill Spitelash Sirens for coral pieces. *sigh
That one turned out to be not quite as bad. I managed to do it without any dying. I even got the silver dragon mob, Lady Sesspira while I was there. Then when I turned in that quest, guess what? Yep..... another hard quest. This time to go into the Sunken Temple.
*sigh again
That’s where I left it. I was tired and did not feel like an ST trip. I will have to get my friend Lisa to run Merenwen through ST and do that part. I am beyond spending a lot of time in there anymore. Having been in a Guild where Pallanen made so many runs through ST I really do not want to make it a long involved group thing anymore.
So Merenwen has benefitted from Elenai needing some rest. She is now level 50. Her skills are getting higher. She is doing Mage quests and her bank is cleaned out. Nice. :)
I will be going on a Raid with Elenai Tuesday evening. Her first with the Guild. Unfortunately it starts kind of late but I will give it a go. Maybe it will be quick. At any rate, the experience from the past week has been fun. I hope it lasts too and I am able to stop neglecting my alts so much. |
posted by Jen @ 12:51 PM |
Finally An Update? :P |
Friday, March 27, 2009 |
I can’t believe it’s been 2 weeks since I last updated. WoW! :P But seriously, I had no idea. I guess the death in the family thing and then a trip to New York has thrown off everything lately.
OK, let's see..... Elenai is now level 64. She finished up all the quests in the Western & Eastern Plaguelands (minus the instances) and then moved on to Outland. Elenai breezed through Hellfire Peninsula like it wasn’t even there. I remember being so bent with my other girls while doing Hellfire. I really didn't like it there but with Elenai, it flew by me like it was nothing. I was dreading the initial set of quests, especially the Flayers and the quests that involve those Void Walkers. But Elenai did every quest easily and quickly. The quickly part I get. Not having to fight every mob she runs into makes completing quests simple with Elenai. I love it.
There have been some nice milestones along the way for her too. Milestones within the game, like achievements and such. But more of the personal kind. Elenai has done many things that none of my other girls have done. She did the entire quest line to get the key to Scolomance (sp???). She did every Hellfire quest except the instances (notice a pattern here?). She even did the PVP quest in Hellfire where you have to capture the contested places. None of my other girls ever did that. Plus it was easy. I thought there would be some serious fighting for those but there really wasn’t. Just one good fight with a Death Knight.
Along the way doing that PVP one Elenai got her first Honorable Kill. It happened to be a Blood Elf Death Knight. Lucky for her the DK was 2 levels lower than she was or it would not have been good. I had captured two of the places (I forget all the names right now) and had run into the Stadium to get that one. When I came in I saw a Blood Elf DK sitting and eating alongside a dead Gnome Mage. It was obvious to me what had happened. The DK got up just as I Stealted and stopped short. I think he heard me. But I managed to sneak up behind him and Ambushed him. To my surprise (not a happy surprise either!) it didn’t do much damage. Not like I was used to. But I had started the fight so..... lol
It was a good fight. One that I wish I had on one of those video things like YouTube or something. It took forever! Death Knights against Rogues are kind of a mismatch. If the DK had been the same level as Elenai it would have been bad. But Elenai has a lot of nice tricks to help her out plus I think the DK was Blood spec. since he had no Minion along with him. A minion would have made it impossible for Elenai to win.
I had Instant Poison on one blade and Deadly Poison on the other. They helped hurt him a lot but not quite enough. Elenai would take down his health huge chunks at a time only to see some of it pop back up when he hit her. The two big advantages I had over him that eventually help me win was that I could disarm him easily and frequently. Thats a big deal with someone using a two-handed weapon. I also used Vanish when Elenai's health got low, Sapped him and completely healed before Backstabbing him again. Eventually I managed to kill him but it was a very tough fight. Fun but tough. :)
Elenai also did the entire "Sister Pamela" questline. If you haven’t done those 2 series of quests, I really suggest you do. It eventually leads you to the past (sort of) where you help the defenders of Darrowshire win that battle that they had actually lost. You also get to help redeem Captain Redpath who had become a Scourge guy the first time around (against his will of course). It's a great quest line.
So now I plan on letting Elenai rest a while. I noticed that in Outland without a rest bonus her xp points are tiny. Usually one kill gives her ~1000 xp. Without rest she gets maybe 300ish xp. Elenai has leveled to 64 without any rest bonus to speak of ever. But I'm thinking that in Outland I need that to be different. She will rest until Tuesday when the Guild has a Raid planned. It will be her first Guild Raid and I am looking forward to it. Until then I will venture back to Kul Tiras and take care of things there that I have been neglecting. That should be fun too. I miss my girls there. :) |
posted by Jen @ 3:42 PM |
Death In The Family |
Friday, March 13, 2009 |
I had a death in the family this past week. In real life, not in WoW life. So I haven't been here for a bit. Sometimes real life is a bummer. But we can't control everything around us in the real world, can we? It's been an ordeal but things will slowly get back to normal. They always do.
I haven't played a lot during the past week. I did manage to hop online a few times. It was a nice distraction from all the stuff. During that time Elenai has leveled to 56. She's doing well despite the lack of decent drops in armor and weapons. I don't remember those things being so hard to come by before. Maybe they were and I didn't take notice? Whatever.
I did get a refresher in how the quests at her current level are ridiculous at times. Ridiculous in the manner of the travel time involved. Elenai did the quest line that starts with finding the broken rowboat in Un'Goro. It takes you to Marshall's Refuge to talk to Linken (sp???) who has lost his memory. That line makes you travel to Winterspring, then to Feralas, back to Winterspring, then to Tanaris, to Un'Goro, back to Felwood, back to Tanaris and then to Un'Goro. (Forgive me if I got the order slightly askew. But those are the flights you do.) All that for one quest line. Some of those flight times are 10-11 minutes in length. Sheesh!
Elenai also did the quest line that starts in Winterspring where you take that Dwarf guys pick and dig up 4 fragments of an anchient relic from the frozen lake. That line makes you travel with the relic pieces to the Eastern Plaguelands, then to Azshara, back to the Eastern Plaguelands and then to Winterspring. Two quest lines that take hours to complete. Nice. (Sarcasm intended. lol)
Anyway, Elenai is now just a few bars from 57. I let her rest last night even though it was the first time I had the chance to play for a decent amount of time. Why? Because it occurred to me that Elenai being over level 55 meant I could make a new Death Knight! :)
So that's what I did last night. This time around I made a Night Elf DK. Her name is Lenae. That's actually short for Lenae Senecar which means "She who walks the plain of the shadows" (according to the Elf Language page where I found it). That made sense to me knowing the origins of the DK. To me they walk the thin line between life and death, light and shadows.
So last night I actually finished the entire starting quest series for my new Death Knight. I know it pretty well by now. It is very addicting being so bad anyway so it's easy to get into those first series of DK quests. The one thing I found more sad about the Night Elf DK was when she went into that place where the Argent Dawn captives are held. It's the place where you have to execute someone who knew your DK from their real life (when they were alive). For the NE they had a woman who actually raised the Night Elf from a baby. That was different from the Human and Blood Elf, who encounter someone who was once a friend. It was more sad I think.
Anyway, that's where I've been. Elenai is 56, Lenae is 58. Life has been sad. Hopefully this weekend will be a healing one and things will be better soon. :) |
posted by Jen @ 7:32 AM |
Shooting For Too Much |
Monday, March 2, 2009 |
Elenai's Guild scheduled another Raid on Zul'Gurub. It is scheduled for this coming week. Because of that I got it into my head that I would get Elenai to level 55 so I could go on the Raid. It would be her first raid with her Guild. But as Murphy's Law would have it, many things that could happen to slow down progress toward that goal happened.
Not bad things. :)
I spent Friday evening out with friends. It was one of those times where we were at work and the idea just popped up that we needed to go out and have a few drinks. So I left work and had a blast with some friends and never got home until 9:00ish. Naturally once I got home I got settled in and tried to log on, thinking maybe I could do at least one level that night. But alas there was some issue with the verification servers and I couldn't log on for quite a while. *sigh
Saturday turned out to be a bust for WoW too. I played very little that day. (But we had a good time running around, thank you very much. :P) Sunday I did get a decent amount of time with Elenai but by then I already knew I couldn't level fast enough for the Raid. It would have taken a perfect weekend scenario for me to make it.
Truthfully, getting to 55 was a huge long-shot anyway. 12 levels in a week is hard, especially when the levels are getting toward the 50's. I'm not bummed or anything. I just had a goal and it couldn't be done. It's Ok though. I'll make it to the next Raid. :)
The one continuing frustration about the server Elenai is on is still the issue of the Auction House prices. Elenai is leveling fast but not getting many good armor drops. Weapon drops are even worse. So when I look on the AH I get annoyed at what the people charge for decent greens. Blues and Epics I can see charging a lot for but to ask for 38-40 gold for a piece of level 40 leather chest armor is kind of silly. Elenai needs the armor that is "Of the Monkey" or even "Of the Tiger" is nice but those are so overpriced I just don't bother. Even the leathers for Druids is so expensive it makes me wonder what people are thinking. It also makes me wonder if people actually sell anything. If so, how the heck do people make enough gold to be able to upgrade?
Obviously if people make that kind of gold during regular play I still have a lot to learn. lol
One good drop Elenai did get was a sword from Zul'Farrak. It is called "Jang'thraze The Protector". It is one half of the epic duo that drops in the instance. If you get both halves you can combine them to make an epic two-handed sword. The half Elenai has is ugly but very effective. It also sometimes throws a shield around Elenai when fighting just like a Priests shield. That's a nice perk.
Funny how I have never seen either half of the epic sword drop in ZF before. All the runs that Pallanen and Sairalinde have done there and this is the first I've ever seen anyone get either part. Come to think of it, Ki'Leana has done ZF twice too. Hmmm....
Anyway, I have been leaning toward a Combat spec with Elenai lately. It is effective but not as much fun as Subtlety. I will stick with it for a while since she is better able to take on many mobs at once and survive. Someday I will switch back again.
It's fun being a Rogue. There have been many quests Elenai has completed quickly that my other girls took much longer to do. Elenai stealths into places, assassinates the target and Vanishes away when bad guys come after her. I did that with the Courier in Arathi, the big Ogre boss in the Arathi cave also and the Ogre boss that wanders around the Badlands with 5-6 buddies. I stealthed into Uldaman twice for stuff, into the caves in STV and the Badlands and I killed all the Pirate Captains and such off the coast of Stranglethorn without ever fighting anyone else but them. It's so cool.
Completing quests without fighting 10 or more bad guys just to get to the object of the quest? How could someone not love a Rogue? lol |
posted by Jen @ 7:45 AM |
About Me |
Name: Jen
Home: Pennsylvania, United States
About Me: I started playing WoW after my best friend bugged me to play. I soon learned that I really liked it. Now 2 years later I still play and have 20 characters. LOL I am no gaming expert. I am no WoW expert. A lot of the terms and "how to do's" elude me still. But I love to play. All you will find here are the adventures of Pallanen and her sisters. I love them all and they really kick butt. So stay tuned and maybe we can learn stuff from each other that we never knew. xoxo
See my complete profile
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